View Full Version : DEF Life

10-24-2020, 10:25
We've been involved for the last ten months with fighting cancer. Since January, my truck probably has had less than 1,000 miles put on it; it's too tall for Maureen to get into for all the medical appointments and our other local travel.

It had an almost full DEF tank when this all started. So that stuff has been sitting through typical ambient summer temperatures in northern Illinois while being driven only occasionally.

I know there is a shelf life to think about when purchasing DEF. What about its life when it is in the vehicle?

10-24-2020, 11:26
All vehicles that have a DEF system also have a DEF quality testing diagnostic that runs very frequently. Much more active in later models. The shelf/storage life of DEF depends much on storage conditions, so that can vary. Under ideal conditions that can be almost indefinitely, according to the suppliers. If the fluid gets close to failing a quality test, your 2019 model will tell you. It will warn you first, then later begin a mileage countdown to "reduced power" unless the condition is corrected. At worst, you'll have to drain and refill the tank (not difficult), but in most cases, you will be able to use it up, or dilute it with fresh fluid. You are much more likely to have an issue with the heater/pump unit before any of that becomes real, so the fluid gets used up or replaced, in any case.

10-24-2020, 13:11
Thanks Dmax, that's exactly what I needed to know, and was hoping would be the case. Once she gets past her final treatments, we may be able to use the truck more, and burn off the old stuff.

10-24-2020, 13:52
We wish you the best with that. We're going through some similar health issues here.

10-24-2020, 14:00
Thanks a lot. You hang in there.

10-24-2020, 17:34
Richp how about milk crate for her to step up on?? Once she drives it she will want it..I have my fingers crossed for you I hate cancer with a passion.

10-24-2020, 18:02
Hi Bob,

Oh, she loves the truck too. And it has running boards, so we tried a 50 mm ammo can on its side. That worked perfectly to get the little extra lift she needs on the few times we've taken the truck out together. Light, stows nicely, and even has a handle.

But most of our trips since January have been to a cancer treatment center and other suburban doctor's offices, where parking a crew cab truck is a chore, and less than optimal in other ways. Frankly, it's just faster and easier for her to get in and out of her Forester. When she's so weak as to need a walker, hauling herself up into the cab, and easing down out of it, just doesn't work well.

As a result, I've only put something on the order of a 1,000 miles on it in the last nine months. And I've been putting off some surgery of my own until she is back closer to normal. So it may be next spring or summer before I get back into my normal use pattern of 12-15,000 miles a year.

10-24-2020, 21:57
For future reference, maybe look into a folding plastic step-stool. I keep one in the truck for my wife. She likes traveling in the truck, and occasional driving, but she's 4'-11", and not getting younger. No running boards or nerf bars. They can be found in almost any RV store. A lot taller than a .50 ammo can at about 9", and a lot more sturdy. More info on that, if you need it. We need to keep our better half happy.

10-25-2020, 04:03
Hi Dmax,

I'll take a look. The neuropathy in her feet from chemo has meant that everything involving her feet is a chore.

She had serious orthopedic problems last fall that impaired her one leg, and hasn't driven a vehicle since January because of the cancer. So my job title this past year has been "Chauffeur and Gofer".