View Full Version : Oil blown out of crankcase vent tube

Levi A. ‘04 LB7
08-02-2020, 19:46
Hello everyone, this is my first time posting and am also very new to Diesel engines. Sorry for the novel but here it goes. I saw a thread about oil just simply ‘weeping’ from the crankcase vent tube. But this morning headed to work, I was doing more than just leaking. To set this up as I may reveal some detail with/without me knowing it, here’s the back story. Get up, start the truck, let it warm up for a few minutes, took it nice and easy to get to operating temp and headed toward work (about 20 minutes away from home). Three quarters through the commute I decide to stop for coffee and go through the drive-thru. I’ve seen diesel guys in the past shut the truck off so they aren’t yelling over the sound of the vehicle, monkey see, monkey go to a drive-thru for the first time in a diesel truck and monkey do. Get my coffee, get the last couple miles to work. My co-worker says I’m leaking something from the rear diff, I look under and the entire bottom of the truck is covered in oil. Pull the dipstick, a tiny drop comes off the end of it and I go white as a ghost. I start looking around to see where it’s coming from and by “research and observation of threads” on this forum, I determine its coming from the crankcase vent hose. It seriously looked like the tube pressure washed the wiring harness, and blasted the dirt and grime off of what was below it. It’s currently still at work. The engine is not seized, I let it cool down instead of quick grabbing some cold oil and dumping it in there. It’s currently a Sunday and nobody is open to look at it. All-in-all; the oil I soaked up with rags off the ground is only oil, not fuel-oil mix. From what the dipstick tells me there’s no oil left in the resivour. Injectors were replaced last year, has an edge tune, has wherli custom intake kit, engine sounded perfectly healthy 8 hours before I got back up for work. No oil in my driveway, and none at the coffee place a couple miles from work. Sorry again for the lengthy post, figured I’d lay it all out on the table haha. Thanks guys so much in advance.

08-03-2020, 11:33
Top off the crankcase and fire it up. Not much more you can do. Remove oil fill cap and see if it's puffing. Watch for visible leaks. Since there is no fuel in the oil I can only guess that you may have a piston issue pushing heavy blowby into the crankcase