View Full Version : Installing a Kennedy lift pump, need help

02-21-2020, 17:02
I have a 2006 WT..I’m installing the electrical and ran into a issue..Instructions says to hook connector with the fusible link to “Power B+” there’s a red cover inside the fuse box that has B+ on it, when I pull that cover off there’s two male spade connectors under it, and no (continuously live) power to it. The connector I’m trying to find a place to hook up to has a eyelet on it..
I’ve attatched a couple pictures of my fuse box and the cartoon that shows the fuses...you’ll see a dotted line on the cartoon that has a “B+” above it...that’s not on my truck..

Thanks..I’ll have another question later in the install, and will use this thread.

02-22-2020, 14:09
With a lot of help from John Kennedy...I got it, on my truck there’s a shroud over the fuse box that covered the buss bars...here’s what my 06 looks like uncovered and wires installed

02-23-2020, 07:56
Hard to do much from a phone, and can't upload pics here simply, but glad you got it. I sent you a mark up in paint.

06-14-2020, 15:45
Ok now I’m onto installing the pump’s..I’ve tore up the internet to see where to position them..no luck, I’ve ran the wires back And looked for holes in the frame and can’t find any that look like they would work.. I have a 06 H.D. Ext. Cab..any one have one of these that can send me a picture?? I’m installing the twin pump deluxe kit...no filters..

I have the bed tilted...all the pictures I’ve seen are for trucks that look to be different than mine..


06-14-2020, 16:07
Ok I see the problem..I assumed the pump would be on the outside of the frame..it’s on the inside...my bad

06-14-2020, 18:39
Now I’m confused again....I have disconnected the supply side on the fuel tank and installed the 1/2 inch hose...does the other end go to the pump?? I thought I would have a fuel line to remove, there’s no quick disconnect on that line...
I need to get a drawing of the fuel lines


06-14-2020, 20:06
Dual fuel tanks? If so, it could create some confusion.

At any rate, the fuel pump installs inline, between the fuel filter assembly, and whatever is upstream, to put it simply. And as you've found, inside the frame rail is preferred.

06-15-2020, 01:39
My truck doesn’t have the dual tanks, what I have is a supply line that only has one quick disconnect, and it’s on the fuel tank the other end is swaged on to the metal fuel line..So I’m going to have to cut into the metal line. Which makes it difficult to return the system back to OEM..
Two other things...the picture of the electrical connections for the dual pumps is “fuzzy” on the instruction sheet, I’m assuming I have to splice the two red and black wires into one wire Each to work...right? Also what are these fittings for?:

06-15-2020, 06:20
Kennedy has help sheets on his site.
And Yes tie wires together.
Take 5 and quit stressing and it will be easier.
A call or message to John wold help too.

06-15-2020, 12:51
Ok it’s all together...per instructions I started the engine with the power to the pumps disconnected plug not plugged in at the pump...truck ran for about 15 seconds then shut down...I bleed the filter under the hood, truck wouldn’t restart..
The only instructions I have for bleeding is to start the engine with no power to pumps..

Test light comes on but I havent plugger the pumps in yet..

06-15-2020, 13:19
You only need to prime the pump(s), then they will continue to push fuel as long as they are fed fuel. You can prime them the same way you've always primed the system. Use the filter primer to pull fuel up, which primes the lift pumps. Once the pumps are primed, you can run them to prime the rest of the system. Use the manual priming power until you get clear fuel to the bleeder (using the water drain into a container is less messy). Close the bleeder/drain, pump the filter primer until it's hard, and the truck should start (probably longer cranking) then run normally, with or without the lift pumps running. The priming procedure John describes is good, but may not work every time. Pressurizing the fuel tank (with low pressure shop air) is an effective shortcut, but I avoid that unless chasing a leak.

06-15-2020, 14:46
It work’s...all is good...DMAX, you are correct..I had to prime it twice and it took off and ran..

06-16-2020, 17:04
I tested the unit by putting my foot in it, I got a p0087 code before the install, now it doesn’t throw the code..that was the reason I got the lift pump..I think it was Kennedy that said my old rubber hoses would collapse not allowing fuel to get where it was going..lift pump was to solve that problem..the install kicked my a$$ but after it was all done, I can see why..the instructions need to be laid out a bit better as in a list of what to do..it’s there but not that made it easy for me....but then, I’m old.
One thing I did was solder in a 3rd wire for the pumps..my kit was the two pump version, I didn’t want to put two wires into the electrical male plugs..so I did it a little different than the instructions I’m not doing anything to my engine, it will remain stock..and I’ve included a picture of the wiring I did on the pumps..Oh and thank’s to everyone in the group for the help I needed and to Kennedy as well.