Randee of the Redwoods
08-13-2003, 17:31
Someone has to know. With a cold motor, my 6.5td takes the obligitory 1-4 seconds to start(scares me to think what winter will bring). Yet my 6.2 in my 84 Jimmy, after sitting untouched TWO WEEKS, lights up and roars to life after only the initial glow cycle(around 7 seconds). The 6.5 gets about that same time. There's no miss or lopiness after starting. No smoke of any color. It just takes quite a few cranks to light it up. (when it's warm, it's easier to start) Anybody have an idea? I'd replace the +12v lead to the glow controller, but I can't follow it to replace it. Could it be the oil pressure guage/switch controlling the fuel pump? Would it help the engine to turn the electric fuel pump on with ign? Maybe replace the pump with a stronger unit(same psi, just a touch more flow rate)? I'm not in too much of a quibble on this one. I've replaced all but one of the battery cables and it's made a big difference in starter performance, so as long as it starts, I'm ok. But this one simple deal nags my mind.