View Full Version : Block Identification

06-23-2019, 20:06
So I bought a 6.5 block that I think is a 1997??

The numbers are: 12555506 and L136

Any help is greatly sppreciated

06-23-2019, 20:51
December 13, 1996.

06-23-2019, 20:56
Is it a good block? How does it fair as a 6.5? Squirt block?


06-24-2019, 04:09
Lots of information in the "date code" sticky: https://www.thedieselpageforums.com/tdpforum/showthread.php?t=24325

06-24-2019, 05:33
I did read through the thread, and think this block was prone to cracks but cant zero in on exactly what I have. Squirt or no squirt. I'm assuming that if no cracks, it's a good block. I'm told that it was running fine when it was pulled.

Any information is greatly appreciated.

More Power
06-24-2019, 08:06
Late 1996 and early 1997 model year saw the introduction of the piston oil spray blocks. There was a fairly narrow window of near catastrophic failure percentages.

The non spray blocks were equipped with 1/2" oil cooler lines and the spray blocks got 5/8" lines.


06-24-2019, 08:07
All 6.5 blocks can crack at the various places in the bottom end web area in the middle 3 webs near the bolt holes.

Late GM blocks had issue near the top of the number 8 cylinder bore as well.

The only "Good blocks" are the ones made by/for AMG

2002 and later were/should be the good stuff.

This said...If you have a well seasoned block that is crack free you should have a good foundation to build on.

06-24-2019, 09:50
Gotcha, thanks for the info y'all!!! ]