View Full Version : clutch hanging up

11-12-2003, 20:40
When I depress the clutch pedal it goes smoothly about half way. It seems to get 'stuck' or hung up on something. Press a bit more and it pops down, kind of makes a metallic like sound. Sometimes it can require a lot of effort, sometimes it is undetectable. Clutch performance seems good, not grabby or slipping. Pedal assembly is in good working order, so I think the problem may be internal. Anyone have a simmilar experience? Thoughts and comments are welcome.

11-13-2003, 04:14
Could be your master or actuator cylinders. Have you checked your fluid levels, or for fluid leaks? This is a hydraulic clutch, if yours is like mine.

11-13-2003, 05:34
mine just did that.did it for about a day and a half then cruisin down the road and coming to a stopsign go to push clutch in and it was tight as a drum,needless to say i didn't stop had to drive 80 miles with no clutch one of the springs in the disc came out and got wedged between the disc and pressure plate.

11-13-2003, 17:16
Mmmmm.. Clutch still works fine, so I dont think I lost a spring.. but I looked under the dash, and it apears that the clutch master cylinder may be 'weeping' a little. An inspection of the fluid shows its pretty gross, and down a little. I think I will replace it to be on the safe side.

Thanks for the info guys


11-14-2003, 11:03
I don't know about the 94's, but on my '97, replacing the master is a cinch (quick disconnect line, remove clip to disconnect pedal, turn 45* and pull to remove from firewall...). The problem is replacing the concentric slave cylinder, which requires dropping the tranny.... its a PITA!

Turbo Al
11-14-2003, 22:21
It is probably your piviot ball and throw out arm. The bad news is you have to take the trans out to replace them. You will blow the slave or master cyls if you continue to drive it.

11-15-2003, 22:29
Doahh!! Well, thanks for the information guys. I did a little research and it leads to what turbo al says. Guess I'll take her down and have a look.

Much thanks for the posts.