View Full Version : Cleaning Aluminum Parts

05-08-2017, 10:14
So I'm almost finished with my Optima build and need to clean the intake, front timing cover, and crossover. Any ideas as to how to clean it and after its clean, can I clear spray it to protect it or should the aluminum breathe?


05-08-2017, 13:03
The aluminum intake will clean up real well with aluminum bright.
This is an acid product.

Wash/scrub the parts with solvent to get the junk off, and then rinse well with water.

Spray the aluminum bright on and let it foam up then rinse.
Repeat until the things are clean.

The timing cover is usually painted.

No worries either way.

05-08-2017, 13:39
I bead blasted mine and left them with no clear. I have yet to find a clear that does not yellow over time.
If I do it again, I will bead blast and then acid etch per robyn.

05-24-2017, 13:59
So what about fuel injection lines to the injectors and heat shields for the exhaust? those things are seriously dirty and I'm not sure just cleaning them up is going to do the trick, you guys paint, clear, or any and all suggestions are appreciated thank you

05-25-2017, 07:43
All I have ever done is clean the lines of crud and reuse as is.

They are plated when new, but depending your location (Salt usage) they can rust over time.

Clean and paint silver if you want a spiffy look.