View Full Version : 1998 6.5 shutdown

Roy Malone
11-09-2003, 14:01
Several days after installing 1997 salvaged engine in 1998 G3500van, engine shutdown moving from stoplight. Underhood found 20 amp fuel sol fuse(powers PCM, Fuel,solenoid driver, eng shutoff solenoid)blown. After trying to restart(not knowing 20 amp fuse blown) 40amp Ign-A(starter & IGN Sw)blew. After replacement of fuses, again ran then fuel sol fuse again blew.Replacement of fuel pump did not help. Oil pressure switch was recently replaced. At last effort, engine increased to high rpm from idle. ANY SUGGESTIONS????

11-09-2003, 16:02
When you say "salvaged engine", do you mean a 100% drop-in unit(including pump) or did you get a long block and add your existing peripherals?

Roy Malone
11-09-2003, 21:15
Engine was 100% dropin with injector pump. Old wiring harness was used, but new is still avail.

11-10-2003, 08:14
When my vehicule had less than one year old, that fuse blew too. The dealer installed a new fuel lift pump, saying that the original was drawing 22 Amps!

Since you replaced the lift pump already, you have to find the accessorie that is pumping the extra current. A bad connection or wire will give extra resistance to the lift pump for exemple, lowering the voltage and increasing the current to meet the power demand. I suggest you check the connections and wiring to and from the OPS and lift pump. You can question the OPS too...

Roy Malone
11-10-2003, 08:51
Thanks richard7. I will give that a shot.