View Full Version : Engine won't start first time when hot

01-22-2017, 10:00
Im based in Sheffield, England and have a 1983 Winnebago with a 6.2l v8 diesel and an odd problem I could do with help with. I'm not mechanical so will be taking the Winnebago to a local garage who I guess might not have much experience with a 6.2 v8 American engine so anything I can do to point them in the right direction would be appreciated.

After a long journey I notice a little (very slight) sluggishness and if I turn it off it'll start and then stop as if it's not getting fuel and is using up the fuel in the diesel pump. If I then try to start it straight away it won't start but if I leave it to cool for 5-10 mins and then start it after a little cranking it will start and then run much better than before almost as if before it's not running on all cylinders and after it's running on all 8. It literally purrs like a v8 should after I restart it whereas before it's more rattly. It will run fine then for another couple of hours and then the cycle repeats. If I don't turn it off it'll keep running for ever.

I've checked the solanoid which is clicking on and off okay. In case it was the solanoid sticking I've clicked it open and closed a load of times after it's got to the point where it dosent start which dosent make a difference. I've put premium fuel in and a few bottles of diesel cleaner. The fuel filters were changed also.

A problem is that it only happens on long runs. Last time between Amsterdam and Belgium after New Years on a 3 hour drive. It always happens though so it a reproducible problem.

My thoughts are going towards some sort of issue with the fuel pump where when it gets hot it expands and leaks air into the fuel system through a gasket or something but I can't think of why it fires on all cylinders after its restarted unless there's an issue with the pump which could cause this.

The milometer reads 52,000 and as an RV it wont have gone round the clock so it's not done many miles.

Thanks for any help.

01-23-2017, 11:44
Next time it is hot and won't start, pour cold water on the injection pump and try it again. If it fires right up, then you have an injection pump that is failing.