View Full Version : crack line between valves

08-19-2016, 10:55
I removed the heads on my 6.5 turbo diesel because of a coolant leak both gasket were bad between the big coolant passage on the end of heads ]and notice that,
one on the combustion chamber was pitted on all the chamber surface also there were some tiny crackline between the valves othewise the motor was running good before the coolant leak.
my question is can I just replace the gasket and leave the heads as is.
thanks in advance for the advices. ;-)

08-24-2016, 07:58
also when i looked closer I saw hairline cracks at the glow plug ports on each side of the ports, is it critical?

08-24-2016, 08:40
Typically, small, non-running cracks between the valves are not a significant concern, as long as they don't run into the valve seats or pass into the coolant passages. However, cracks at the GP holes are a game stopper. Replacement heads are in order.