View Full Version : 94 6.5 injector pump question

04-22-2016, 18:52
I just put new head gaskets in and a new water pump. After I put it all together and got it running. I noticed that it was running pretty rough. I took it for a couple mile spin and nothing got better. I did a little reading and realized I didn't have the injector timing gear was off a half a turn. I pulled it apart and sure enough that was it. After I put it back together I couldn't get the truck to fire over at all. Well I have a manual transmission so I went ahead and pull started it.. It fired right up and ran great. Took it for a spin and everything was working great. Got back home shut it off and restarted it about 20 mins later and it took a little bit but it finally kicked over. Let it run for a little while and came back home and parked it for the night. The next morning I had the same problem it wouldn't fire over. So I pull started it and it fired right up again. So it seems like after it sits for longer then an hour it won't start but anytime before that it start. So I'm wondering if it could be my fuel injector pump. I did put a new pmd on it to.

04-23-2016, 14:53
What condition are your batteries in?

These 6.5s call for 100 rpm cranking before the computer will let it have fuel.
Even jumping doesn't always do it.

04-23-2016, 16:41
The 2 yellow tops I have in it seem to crank it over nicely and put out plenty of volts. But I can definitely throw some different ones in and give it a shot.

04-24-2016, 11:18
I had a similar problem with my '87 Ford diesel van - turned out to be the return lines from the injectors were cracked and sucking air.

04-24-2016, 17:51
Thanks I will check that to. It will be a few days tell I get back to the truck to check these issues but I will definitely let everyone know how it goes

05-25-2016, 17:06
Just an update. It was my glow plugs.