View Full Version : Vehicle accident totaled 6.2l

02-21-2016, 18:05
Have not been here in a while.
I had an accident, and am figuring the adjusters will total the truck.
It has been it the family forever, and has 270,000 on the odometer.
I still used it to haul tractor around town an and other assorted HD truck stuff.
It was idling a little rough after the accident, and coolant was leaking, but no oil.
What should I expect and do?
KBB gives an estimate of $1100.
It was worth a ton more to me and I cannot find any for sale.
Just a few gas models, is it a option to pull my engine and do swap to a different truck?
I did not mind the few oil drips and diesel fuel leaks, I fixed them as they happened. A/C quit last year, going to switch to R134A this spring but...
Still kinda in shock...
Kids and I are fine a few, a few seatbelt bruises, her car took the brunt of it.
And we all are insured by the same company.
1993 6.1L J type
GMC Sierra SLX

02-22-2016, 09:49
Your last statement scares me greatly.

You are all insured by the same company?

I went through this 4 years ago with my Suburban, got in a wreck, the other person at fault made a left hand turn in front of me without looking. We were both insured by Progressive.

At the end, I got screwed, they lied and said it was my fault that i ran a red light and the other person had a protected green arrow. Not possible.

They just took the route that led them only having to take care of the one that had full coverage. I only had liability.

If this accident isn't your fault, I wouldn't deal with your insurance company, I'd get a lawyer and let him be the go between.

www.evilprogressive.com is my story.


02-22-2016, 18:14
Thanks John,
The other party spoke to the insurance company and I was asked to release truck to Insurance company so they can take it to their facility and have their claims people look at the damage. I looked today, the frame is bent.
It was confirmed by the Agent that the other party accepts responsibility.
I went by the tow company yard and retrieved some more personal belongings, and spoke to the gentleman there, we spoke about it and lamented the amount of the truck would be KBB value of $1100.
We talked some more and I mentioned it was a diesel 6.2L and he became very interested,
"Oh that changes everything, you need to make sure the adjuster knows it is a diesel, I'd give you $1200 on the spot right now!"
Can any of you help give an approximate value of it, I did use the starter to turn the motor over and it spun fine.
Even values of 1993 2500 series trucks for sale would help.
I know I will not break $10,000, but I might be able to get $5000, maybe?
Any help would be appreciated.

02-23-2016, 05:45
I’d start searching around for any 6.2 trucks for sale to use as comparisons. Check eBay, www.searchtempest.com, and such. If you can find comparable trucks for more than the $1100, you can use those to support your case.

02-23-2016, 12:26
Just so happens that my son has had a craigslist addiction to find a 1993 diesel. What we have found is that you cant get a clean one for less than $4000. There are some cheaper than that but there isn't much left of them. These were mainly the 6.5 but the 6.2 wasn't far behind in price, just fewer of them.
I would get as many comps as you can and plead the case to the ins-co.
Good luck!