View Full Version : early morning lift pump question

10-31-2015, 06:48
I am in the process of fixing an oil leak from the lift pump plate on my K5.
didn't plan on doing this but I have the alternator out so I have better access and it has been a rnd-2-it problem for awhile.

So the question is: Can I use right-stuff on the lift pump and mounting plate or will it cause a problem with the throw being off by the amount of gasket thickness?

I know I might be over thinking this but I just want to be sure.


10-31-2015, 09:26
There's no problem using Right Stuff, either with or without a gasket. I normally use the paper gaskets (2), with a thin coat of RTV against all metal surfaces. Although, I've used only RTV, or only the gaskets, from time to time. The push-rod tolerance isn't an issue here. Tight, loose, just right..... It has never been an issue, and I've never seen a premature failure due to it. If the pump pumps, run with it.

10-31-2015, 10:01
Thanks Dmax. IS it possible for the pump to be installed without properly engaging the rod? Or if it goes on, it's on.
It seems that the pump went on too easy....not enough screwing around with the rod. Maybe I just got lucky.
Thanks again!

10-31-2015, 11:51
Yes, it is possible. The lever is somewhat flexible, and can allow the pump to be bolted correctly with the push-rod along side the lever. Installing the pump on an installed engine can be a bit difficult, due to the rod falling against the retainer plate. A sloppy amount of bearing grease on the rod and hole will normally hold it up long enough to get the pump aligned correctly and installed.

......Or, maybe you got lucky. I wouldn't trust it, though. Either start over, or rotate the engine by hand and check the pump. If it pumps, it's good. If not, back to square-one. I've "fixed" a lot of these incorrect installs (by others), and only once was a pump damaged. The hinge-pin hole cracked in the casting, but it probably would have anyway, after some run time (defective to begin with, methinks).

10-31-2015, 19:18
Pretty sure I got lucky. I loosened the pump enough to see the lever and it was centered and tight. Hopefully after all this the oil leak will go away AND the powermaster alternator will do it's thing.
Thanks again!