View Full Version : HMMWV Turbo Charge, Exhaust Break, and Brown Gas Question

09-12-2015, 16:13
Hey everyone,

I came here to try and as 3 questions in one forum, first of all I own a M998 HMMWV with a 6.2L NA engine in it and I have been wanting to do some serious upgrades to this truck.

First question...a Banks Turbo charger...I see the 6.2L kit out there, but I heard there was a version of this kit specificity engineered for the 1992/1993 H1 Hummer. If that is true, where do I get one? Would anyone have one to sell, if so, how much would it cost? Or do I have to go out of the way to modifying this banks kit to fit my truck all on my own?

Second question...a Banks Exhaust Break...I know some of the newer HMMWV's that the US forces actually have got special options for them (like in the M1151 for instance) for an exhaust break. Since there in Afghanistan way up in the mountains, and have so much armour, the Banks Breaking system allows them to descend down steep sloaps with ease, but does the 6.2L engine have this option? Has anyone ever tried to install an exhaust break in the 6.2L before? If anyone has been successful, how did they go about doing it? What type of break did you use, and what information could you tell me about it?

Third Question...Brown Gas...Now this is something have been looking into for a long time. Brown gas is simply just another fancy name for doing an electrolyses in water to separate oxygen and hydrogen gas then put it in the air intake of your engine. From what I have been reading up on (which I'm not sure is true or not) but can give you a good 55% more fuel efficiency by mixing this gas into your engine, and it keeps it clean on the inside. My question is, has anyone ever attempted to do this with the 6.2L before? If in theory I was going to do this to my engine, would I have to inspect the engine for cracks first (like you would if you were going to add a turbo charger, and yes I read the books, that's why I asked)? I also heard that sometimes, if an engine has been running for a very long time, the dirt and carbon that it accumulates over time is what holds the engine together and if you start tampering with it (or clean it), that's when bad things start to happen. So by doing this to the 6.2L could I expect that there would be long term problems by injecting brown gas in the intake?

I'm not much of a mechanic, my speciality is electronics and instrumentation hardware, but since I have this truck, I am doing everything I can to gather information before starting to touch (or buy) anything.

Thanks :confused:

09-13-2015, 05:36
If it were mine....I would shop on EBAY for a complete military take off manifold set from one of the newer hummers. You can probably find everything you need. This would by far be the best route to turbo the rig. Take advantage of the engineering that AMG did.

I have some experience with the M998(and others) Good rigs but they do have some common issues that I had to deal with while in the Marines.
- Make sure you rebuild and grease the offset hub assemblies.
- Make sure you maintain the brake discs/pads and emergency brake Due to the location they have a tendency to overheat
- The alternator is EXPENSIVE, and the hummer is a more complete 24v system than some other military rigs. Not easy to convert to 12V, get to know the electrical system.
- Makes sure you replace belts with MATCHED Sets.
- There is a sealed Protective Control Box under the dash, these can go fail and cause all kinds of problems. Not sure where a person would get one of them, but I would have spare. http://www.thedieselfiles.com/Military/HMMWV/hmmwv%20%20vcu%20to%20pcb%20changeover.pdf
- Always carry spare fuel filter O-rings.

Any 6.2 - 6.5 can be a suspect for cracked block and head gasket issues. If you are planning on rebuilding/repowering the engine I would definitely check over EVERYTHING very good. Might be a good idea just buy a 6.5 turbo hummer take out and upgrade to that. Many improvements were done to the engines from yours to the newer ones. If they had transmission or exhaust brakes installed in them in the military than is a possibility to find that "kit" as a surplus item.

Never heard of "brown gas" before....except as something that occurs after a good meal of chili...:D
Maybe it's the same as snake oil injection...
If it is something that works...I am sure that someone on this board has tried it.

Be careful what you buy for it because the military and the civilian things do not always cross over, there are many things that will but an equal number of parts that do not. Best advice would be to try to get parts and accessories made for Military.
Good luck and have fun with the M998.....that's been my dream rig since 1987.

Hope this helps!

09-13-2015, 18:44

Thanks for replying...I thought you might like this information about brown gas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6EAroIOKQQ it really explains the process very well

I was actually going to upgrade the protective control box to the series 3 smart start system that was released in 2009 since I spent a fortune on a brand new 6.2L harness and top of the line glow plugs, https://www.real4wd.com/zedSuite/catalog/partdetail.aspx?PartNo=CR2701 Kascar is were I get many of my parts for the M998. How ever here is the down side, the HMMWV isn't in the US anymore, it's in Canada. It was almost denied entry into Canada just a few years ago (cause the cartels in central & south america and ISIS get there hands on them once they enter Canada so the US gov wants to control there movements), and the only reason why it did make it across the boarder was because it looked like absolute total @#$% and they believed the truck can never be restored. Lucky for me they were mistaken cause now the truck looks like this... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53843754/HMMWV/IMG_1164%20edit.jpg
Once that truck leaves Canada, chances are it will never be aloud back in again. Also considering how expensive it is to live in Canada right now with all the tax (cause we weren't smart enough to toss out the Brit's), and how most infrastructure in Manitoba is falling apart. It is actually cheaper for me to drive a fully functional M998 around in the summer (cause of the 6.2L fuel efficiency and cheap suspension parts) then it is to drive any other vehicle. I would love to drive it in the winter time but here in the land of maple syrup and seal clubbing, we like to salt our roads in the winter and I'm not spending a fortune restoring this truck just to have the salt take it all apart again.

As for the only exhaust breaks I have ever seen were the Banks Power special and some weird after market kinds but I wouldn't even know where to begin installing one of them