View Full Version : Dahooooley the final crusade.

02-09-2015, 11:22
As many of you likely know from my posts, I signed the title over on my 95 GMC drwcc 4x4 to my Son in law shortly after I got it fired up earlier this fall.

The "Kid" has been after it with love and affection to no end.

Currently he has removed the fiberglass fairings/running boards (Too gay I'm told):confused:

The visor is off pending the removal of the windshield and a reseal job.

This will likely be done when he has the truck painted.

The fat butt bed is destined to come off and the plan is a nice flat bed he bought this past summer.

He installed a lovely high end stereo a few weeks back and it sounds sweet.

The truck has been driven some miles and runs great.

I have not been at the helm except to move it a short way around the house, but things seem perfect.

I was told that the tranny and everything works fine, even after sitting 4 years.

Sooooooooo, this pretty much closes my tenure with this great truck.

It's good seeing it go to someone who will really enjoy it.

Yesterday it had been sitting for 3 weeks since being fired, and turned barely at all and was running. :D


02-09-2015, 15:14
poor dooley,....

02-09-2015, 19:23
Not at all.

It has a young and vibrant owner that will love it and care for it.;)

02-10-2015, 07:43
I am sure there must be a Ceremony to perform,Like whenYou change the Name of a Boat!!!

02-10-2015, 08:07
We could pour a bottle of Coke on the hood ;)

Ahhhh, it's all good, the old girl is still in the family ya know :)