View Full Version : permanently installed battery tender

01-18-2015, 15:19
I'm looking for a battery tender system that i can hard wire into my rig.
preferably 1 unit which will support both batteries at once...4 leads or wired in series.
i would also like to install a battery quick connect plug in the bumper/grill area.


01-18-2015, 16:01
Does the truck sit for weeks on end? If you're driving it, even somewhat regularly, there's probably no need for it.

Battery minder and Battery Tender make good units, but I'm not sure they'd survive the environment of being under the hood 24/7.

IF I was going to do this, I'd probably use a marine smart charger. I work in the marine industry, by the way. Pro Mariner makes a number of models, but the ProSport line would probably be the one I'd use in this instance. You'll have to get creative with how you mount it.

Here's one way you can install a permanent plug-in: http://www.thedieselpageforums.com/tdpforum/search.php?searchid=321471

01-18-2015, 19:46
I usually drive my sub every couple of weeks to keep things working.
looking at a tender to keep my batteries at full charge.

In the past i have had issues with the passenger battery not being at full charge.
It was recently replaced under warranty but I normally replace them in pairs.
With a new set, my rig fires up very quickly with a strong starter.
The battery cables are upgraded and i have added additional ground cables.

My sub has never had the greatest charging system. While night driving the lights are dim and the amp gauge drops quite a bit. added an additional wire from the alternator to the battery and it helped a bit. when my amp gauge is "high" the sub runs great. seems to have more power, very responsive.

installed a high output Alternator last year but its only putting out 95 amps...not very HO !! I did find a diesel vendor selling a 120A Alternator for a good price. my issues might be a low output alternator. If 95 amp is better than stock, 120 should be better..not sure if you can have too many amps?

your link didn't work but i will look up the company...thanks

01-18-2015, 20:37
I 'think' the alternator on my Sub is 130 (it's original, as far as I know). I've also replaced/upsized all battery cables, alternator cables, starter cables, etc. Can't go wrong with that. I don't notice any dimming or the amp gauge needle falling.

Sorry about the link - I guess I didn't do it right - it was in regard to installing a 110v permanent plug/receptacle in the bumper. Click on the search button above, then select "advanced". Enter "marinco" as a key word and then my name in the 'user name' field.

01-19-2015, 14:34
Just wanted to add... a boat's engine room can get pretty toasty, but there's usually the ability to mount the charger further from the engine. Just to be safe, if you go with the Pro Mariner, I would call them and ask their advice about what you want to do and whether it would be OK to be mounted there. I do not know what they are rated for in terms of ambient temps.

01-20-2015, 10:47
I've been using the Battery Tender Waterproof 800
Mounted outside on my garage wall with the 25 foot extension for
a few years now with no problems .Quick disconnect off drivers battery to grill no problems keeping both batteries charged .
I have at least 5 more plus and gel models keeping the other stuff up to charge . Cant go wrong with em

01-20-2015, 11:52
I have a Battery Tender on my 05 and it's hooked directly to the passenger side battery. I rotate the batteries once a year, but they have never given me any issues.

94 at Large
01-21-2015, 19:02

I've had one of these in place for years and does the job. Maintains both batteries.

01-22-2015, 06:09
I have been using onboard battery chargers of some sort for about 20 years. I have had the best luck with marine units rated for two batteries. The unit described in the previous post is what I currently have in my 1996 and it works great. Tough enough and also smart so it does not over charge. My truck only gets plugged in during winter months, so summer it only gets charged by vehicle charging.

Two of my other rigs have solargizer chargers on them and those work GREAT. They are a smart charger that also de-sulfates. The only issue is that they need sunshine. So for me that means keeping the snow off the roof mounted solar panels.

Whatever you do make sure that the charger is smart so that it will not over charge.

Sounds like your truck might have some wiring issues in the charging system. Your 95 amps should be MORE than enough to charge and run all the lights. My 1996 has stock alternator with BIG over powered lights and pulls a trailer, handles everything just fine. Might want to check all your wires/cables for corrosion and bad connections. ESPECIALLY ground connections.

Hope this helps!

02-12-2015, 05:05
My truck usually only gets short runs and in winter, draws heavy charge to start from batteries that are already cold (think: -20 to -35c).

I have a genius gen mini 1 installed in the truck. Plug it in Evey day after returning home from work. When I walk out sat morning, its always at full charge.

Just under 100 bucks, cheap insurance to ensure my batteries live a long full life.