View Full Version : Cetane booster and cold weather starting?

Big Red Suburban
01-16-2005, 15:05
The higher the cetane the better? When do you reach a point of no return?

The following statement is from the power service webpage "Fuels with high cetane numbers burn more quickly and more completely, resulting in smoother-running engines with less power lag, lower emissions and easier engine starting."

I use additive on every tank already (cetane booster in summer, anti-gel/cetane booster in winter), would it be beneficial to add additional cetane booster in the winter for cold weather starting? I am planning a ski trip in Colorado (higher elevation, possibly no plug in available), looking for ways to improve the cold start situation.

I should add, the suburban fires up right away, it just runs rough and smokes for quite a while when really cold and not plugged in.

01-16-2005, 16:14
I run a blend of FPPF Total Power and 8 plus Cetane (already cetane in TP) year round, and wouldn't have it any other way...