View Full Version : Sometimes, You Need a Closer Look...

11-18-2014, 16:48
On a recent trip, I noticed boost was lower than normal and EGT was higher, at cruise. This being a symptom of a dirty air filter, I changed it.

Subsequently, on the next trip, boost was lower than normal, but no smoke, even on acceleration. I attributed this to fuel flow, so changed the fuel filter, blew out the suction line, and while I was there, changed the lift pump. Slight improvement. Checked the tube to the boost gage for leaks (none) and the intake manifold and turbo discharge hoses for leaks: None.

Then, with the "hood" (actually the bed, as I have a diesel pusher) open looking for another issue (rag that had disappeared), I noticed the CDR valve had come out of its socket. Not surprising, in that I have to sit on the engine to change the air filter, but I just didn't notice I kicked it out. Reinserted it, and again, all is normal.

Of course, on the next leg of the trip, the speedometer crapped - I need to clean the connector at the tranny more often. :mad: