View Full Version : M1008 model 80 fuel filter leaking

08-29-2014, 11:55
I need to replace filter base again. I would like to go with some kind of spin on filter now. What do you guys recommend?saw few things that Napa kind of expensive though. Wondering what other options I have. Thanks guys

08-30-2014, 09:59
anyone?? like to get going on this

08-31-2014, 09:09
Where is the base leaking?
Mine was leaking from a very small plug,like a frost plug.It was in the bottom and had corroded and was leaking.I removed it and taped the base with threads and installed a threaded plug.That was about 7 yrs ago still holding.
If you want to replace the complete unit with another search Robyns posts she mentions a good raycor replacement a few times.
I fixed mine because i have about 6 extra filters,i own a gas station,and fill up exclusively at it so my filters last forever.Still on the same filter as when i got the truck running which is getting close to 10 years.I must admit that i have only put about 40K miles on it in those yrs.

08-31-2014, 13:01
like to replace the whole thing wish a spin on. not have to deal with this again

09-03-2014, 06:04
I have this on my 1009. I am not sure if the micron(3micron) rating is as good as some but the filters are readily available and inexpensive.
Instal is about an hour.

Hope this helps

09-03-2014, 20:53
Thanks for the link. Sounds pretty good filter and bases on CK5. This would be the third base on this truck. Would like to replace it altogether. Thanks