View Full Version : Electric fans . . .

08-28-2014, 18:10
Thinking about the switch, wondering about what CFM/s to look for, single or dual, does it need to cover the whole radiator or not (6.2 diesel)? What CFM does the OEM fan have?

08-29-2014, 00:35
Typically, a mechanical fan is going to give you more airflow than an electric one.

08-29-2014, 03:59
Because the rpm changes so does the mech fans cfm. TYPICAL clutch fan will move between 7000cfm to 10000cfm depending on fan type and rpm. I found this info on the web and wasn't able to find HARD test data but it sounds about right. I don't think you will EVER get mech fan performance out of an electric. For street rodders who plan on pulling the engine every other day It would be great. The HP gains are probably NOT what the fan makers are claiming. I saw a huge difference in cooling ability by NOT having an AC system....I don't care what type of fan you have if you have obstructions in your air flow or a poor radiator....it will not cool.

Also if you do put on electric...make sure the shroud that you use is a good fit and will seal properly to the radiator. Every place that the fan(s) can pull air that is NOT through the radiator is wasted CFM.

Hope this helps

12-17-2014, 14:03
Agreed on electric fan, had a fan Clutch let loose and destroy my rad. Decided to put 2 1000cfm 16" fans in with controller. The fans ran so much at idle in traffic that they burnt out. Now I'm going to find another mechanical fan used someplace and get another fan clutch. Anyone need a adjustable electric fan controller?

12-19-2014, 09:24
Adding an electric for a bit of help at low speed (Idle) never hurts, and GM did this on the big block burbs.

The electrics will never be able to replace the engine driven fans as a stand alone.

12-19-2014, 10:32
I run electric fans on my K-5. Got a dual fan setup out of a Plymouth Breeze. Has a high and low setting. Works great.

However my rig never goes on the road, only offroad. And it almost never gets above 70 degrees here. Love them though when temps drop into the -30's.