View Full Version : No Fuel Through Filter - Help Out a Rookie

08-20-2014, 08:39
For about 10 months I've been tinkering with a '93 GMC 20 passenger school bus with a Vandura 6.2 liter engine. I'm still very new to the diesel game. It's been converted to run on vegetable oil and currently runs better on that than it does on diesel… that is, when I get it started.

My mechanic discovered a crack in the sending unit and attributed that to my semi-regular engine shut-off. I've replaced the sending unit, can hear the fuel pump running, yet there is no fuel running through the filter, and (PLEASE correct me here) I take that to mean that I'm not getting fuel into the injectors.

Before I replaced the sending unit, and was limping along with starting on diesel and switching to veggie before I drove it, I often had to bleed out the injector lines to get it to turn over. I've tried doing this since I replaced the sending unit, but realized that was futile if I wasn't getting fuel in the lines in the first place.

Can anyone offer suggestions on what and how I should proceed troubleshooting?

08-20-2014, 10:35
Sounds like you have an electric fuel pump on the engine. It's very possible that the fuel pump is not actually pumping, but still makes pumping sounds.

Bad fuel pump, or an issue with delivery to the pump.