View Full Version : Billowing smoke and no power

01-13-2005, 22:12
My '95 2500 6.5 diesel is billowing smoke and has no power. Can't get over 1500 RPM's and starts to ping when I try. Been through all the pump stuff and PMD issues doesn't act like that. Had a DTC 78 and 92 so replaced the solenoid but no change at all............much more severe. Maybe a blocked catalytic is the current thought so may cut it out to test. Anyone have another idea?

01-13-2005, 22:19
Check your vacuum pump to ensure that it is making vacuum. Search here on that keyword and you'll find lot's of information on how to check it. Also, ensure that the new solenoid is working. That is also covered in the info you'll turn up. I would also check the air filter and ensure that there are no inlet restrictions. What condition is your fuel filter in?

01-13-2005, 22:29
Both air and fuel filters are in good shape and I have around 15 lbs of vacuum at the wastegate so thought it was fine.

01-13-2005, 23:00
Did you mean 15" of Hg? If so, and that is at the actuator, then you are good there. Do you have a boost gage? Your thoughts on a plugged cat may be on target.

On second thought, make sure that the actuator is working mechanically. If you grab the actuator rod while the engine is idling, it should be very difficult to move it in either direction. Be careful not to burn your hand. If you can move the rod easily, then there has been a mechanical failure in the actuator (I had this happen once). With the engine off, you should be able to move the waste gate open and closed easily and smoothly. I also had a bushing failure on the wastegate pivot shaft once that prevented the wastegate from closing.

01-14-2005, 05:12
I had a wastegate come loose from the shaft internaly. Found it just dangeling there.....

Govt issue
01-14-2005, 06:50
i had a turbo locked up once. check to see if you can spin it by hand.

01-14-2005, 19:17
Thanks all............the turbo stuff all seems fine to me. It spins and all the mechanical linkages and movement etc are fine too. That's where I started thinking the issue was but think I will take the Sawzall to the cat tomorrow! Time for drastic measures.

01-15-2005, 20:00
It was the catalytic. I cut it out and now it runs like it should. The power and RPM's are back! Now what to do for a final exhaust configuration.

01-15-2005, 20:26
I was just going to tell you to drop the cat at the downpipe and see if it made a difference. I've seen it on several 6.5 trucks. Lots of smoke, low power and over heats when pulling load due to too much fuel trying to make it go.

02-11-2005, 06:08
had to replace my catalytic converter, wish i had
removed it, would have saved me 700 bucks plus
installtion, runs great now