View Full Version : 6.5 Dies while breaking

06-01-2014, 20:29
1998 K2500 4x4 Auto 6.5 Suburban.

Has about 250k on it.

If I drive the truck for a while, then stop and shut her down. When I get back in a minute or two later and go to start it, the dash lights do not come on for 4-5 seconds. Normally (and now when cold) the wait to start, security, and other idiot lights in the gauge cluster light up when you first turn the key. No none of them.

Then a couple of times (I think 5-6 in the past week) if you push down on the brakes the engine just dies.
Twice I put my foot on the brake to shift into drive and as soon as it went into drive it died. The other times I have started the truck and shifted into gear and started to drive and then had to slow down, or stop and it died.

After about 5 minutes worth of driving it seems to go away.

The PMD was replaced about a year ago, it is mounted in the fender now, not on the engine at all.
Alternator started going bad about 500 miles ago and was replaced. The batteries were 6 years old so they were replaced also.

Just in case I put in a new fuel filter last week. Truck died 3 times yesterday, but not at all today.

Plugged in a scanner, no codes at all.

06-02-2014, 07:08
First time it happened it was ~50* outside and raining. I drove 15 miles. Stopped at a store for 10 minutes.
Got in truck, didn't notice any issues with dash lights.
Truck started normal, put foot on brake, shifted to drive, it stalled.
It restarted easily, put in gear no issue, drove to end of block, foot on brake and it died. Restarted and didn't happen again.
Next day I changed the fuel filter.
Didn't happen again for over a week.

Last week went to the gym. Was there for an hour. Left, started fine, died when I stepped on the brakes at the stop sign, restarted fine. Didn't happen again until Saturday.

Saturday it was 80* and sunny. We drove for about 3 hours towing the RV. Stopped twice. Truck restarted no issues.
Stopped at the campground, checked in. Took about 15 minutes. Truck started, drove to our spot. Shut off truck, dropped trailer. Started truck and moved it forward a little.
We spent 15-20 minutes getting ready to head over to the national park. Got in the truck, started fine. The road out of the camp ground was slightly down hill, washboard, dirt. Stepped on the brakes as we headed downhill and the truck died.
When I went to restart, no idiot lights. They came on after 3-5 seconds, truck started. Kept driving down the hill, stopped at the store. I turned off the truck. We were in the store for 15 minutes.
Truck started fine, got on the road, after stopping at a stop sign. We stopped at a pull off to take some photos and it died. When restarting, had no idiot lights again.
At the next pull over, no issues, and during the stop and go at the entrance to the park no problems.
Sunday during the drive home, no issues at all. We stopped a bunch for photos, bathroom breaks, lunch. Never died, always had idiot lights.
After we got home, we shut down on the street.
I went back out about 15 minutes later to back the trailer into the drive. No problems. Shut off the truck, dropped the trailer, then when I went to restart the truck to move it, no idiot lights. But never any stalling with the brakes.

Not sure if these are related.
I can't make it happen, I have been trying.


06-02-2014, 07:22
My first guess would be grounds and then ignition switch down on the lower end of the steering column.

06-02-2014, 07:29
Thank you.
I did the batteries after the first stall and fuel filter swap, but I will double check those and the engine ground straps.

I will then inspect the switch and all the column wires.

06-02-2014, 09:40
Is your truck equipped with a remote start option?


06-02-2014, 12:13
Is your truck equipped with a remote start option?



The No Idiot Lights symptom is now all the time.
When I first turn the key ON the only light on the dash is the Seatbelt. I do hear the lift pump.
After 3-8 seconds (i have been timing) all the lights come on, then I wait for the wait light to go out and it starts.

06-02-2014, 12:37

06-02-2014, 19:19
Check ground at back block / intake by the glow repay and oil pressure switch . as well as ecm fuses.

06-21-2014, 10:41
Everyone, thanks for all the assistance.

Wanted to post the solution...

Ignition Switch.

Got the new one from RockAuto and swapped it out this week after work.
As a test I just plugged the new one into the block under the dash, and turned it with a screwdriver, all the dash lights immediately came on. Removed, plugged the old one back in, no lights.
Back to the new one, have lights. Pretty much confirmed the fix IMO.

Somewhere online I found instructions on replacing the switch and they said you had to remove the steering wheel. While it was a true PITA with the steering wheel on I was able to remove the column surround and get the switch removed from the key tumbler.

Thanks again.