View Full Version : Chopping Away at DTC 36

05-18-2014, 10:51
The 95 has been throwing the DTC 36 lately. Seems to run fine, but cruise will not work when the code is present. Made some headway on it yesterday.

When I first started tinkering with it I had the code at idle and normal throttle. I could make it go away under hard throttle but it would return once I got off of it. This truck has a 3 week old FS Poorly Manufactured Device mounted on a heat sink in the nostril. I swapped the PMD with an old FS PMD from the 98 with no change. At idle I clear the code with GMTDscan and it immediately returns. I replaced the extension cable and was able to clear the code at idle. Code would return within a half mile test drive. Swapped in an old Stanadyne Poorly Manufactured Device and thought I had it knocked. The code goes away but returns if I have the cruise engaged and I head down a hill. The code will hit, knock out the cruise, then go away. Have not been able to engage the code unless the the cruise is on.

The pump was rebuilt about 7k ago. Resistor is 5 or 6.

Any input?

More Power
05-19-2014, 11:49
Are you using (have you always used) commercial diesel fuel (i.e. not homebrewed biodiesel)?

When you last changed the fuel filter, was there anything of note in the fuel filter housing (other than fuel)? Any water? Sediment? Anything?


05-20-2014, 14:32
This the first filter on a rebuild. The fuel manager was funky when I removed it on the rebuild so I cleaned it well and installed new o-rings. Nothing but straight diesel has been used.

I have not been able to get it to throw a code since Saturday, so maybe it is licked. I will say that I threw a quart of Rotella in the tank Friday night and a pint of Power Service Silver on Sunday. I believe I will swap the FS PMD back in and see where she goes. I will keep you up to date.



05-29-2014, 13:14
I put the old FS PMD back on over the weekend and still no codes. Everything is working fine. I am not sure what exactly fixed the situation. Could have been the Rotella, the Power Service, changing the cable, pulling a resistor out and putting it back, or a poor connection somewhere. Wish I could pin it down but happy to not have codes.
