View Full Version : Help! engine ****d GM balking on Warranty

01-12-2005, 06:16
My engine has been leaking antifreeze into the crankcase it has 97K so it should be covered by warranty.

They say since I swapped from an auto to manual that they will not honor the warranty. Does anyone know any difference between a manual engine and an auto. I used all GM parts in the swap.
Any advice on gettng this covered on warranty. I'm thinking I may have to pull the engine my self and prove it wasn't the trans that caused it.

01-12-2005, 10:35
i'd try another dealer.

Dvldog 8793
01-12-2005, 17:15
Do a search for "final resolution" I had a good experience with the GM customer servicee. I'm not sure of the 800# but your dealer should be able to get it for you. then you can start a service/warrenty file on you problem and pick your dealer. They would also be able to tell you what kind of coverage to expect with your trans issues.

01-13-2005, 03:41
I have talked to customer assistance and they have set me up with an appointment Monday for the area service rep to call me. I plan on trying to get her to agree to letting me pull the engine and then making a determination whether what I did caused the problem.

They have been telling me that alterations void the warranty but it says explicitly that "damage due to alterations" are not covered. This is resonable but the service rep seems to interpret this differently.

01-14-2005, 03:53
Does anyone know (probably DVLDOG does)if you can tell whether the block is cracked by just pulling the pan off? I think it would be easy to do if I dropped the front differential. Is there any way to tell if the antifreeze leak is coming from the head or head gasket without major disassembly.

The Area Service Rep is supposed to call me monday. My plan is to try to get her to let me pull the engine or pan or whatever it takes to find out what the problem is and figure out whether anything I did in the trans swap would have caused the problem. If I did not cause the problem I would hope they would help me out on this.

Dvldog 8793
01-14-2005, 05:50
It is my understanding that if the headgasket/head is cracked and bleeding into the combustion chamber then you will get bubbles in the tank. I'm not sure if there are places in the haed that will allow an oil leak into the crankcase. I do know that when I was researching this before I pulled my motor I had 4 VERY smart diesel mechs tell me where the crack was going to be and that was EXACTLY where it was. Rear main web completely cracked in half through the piston oiler hole up into the cylinder about 2 inches on both 6 & 8. It was so big that my 6 year old daughter looked in and saw it before I did. I would think that if you pull the pan and clean everything off good that you should be able to see the crack.
Just a note..... I had a very good experience with GM, BUT I had 110% backing from my dealer. I don't normally like to use the "L" word but maybe in some cases a lawyer :mad: is needed to help GM interpret their own warrenty. :D From the sounds of it my truck should never have been covered because I have a gearvendor and MANY other mods. I think they are giving you the run-around and looking for loophole.