View Full Version : interesting 6.5

10-13-2004, 16:50
Has anyone noticed this engine on ebay? 6.5 mock up (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33613&item=7927029557&rd=1) I have never seen an intake quite like that before, am I mistaken or is that a one of a kind type of thing?

10-13-2004, 17:42
It looks to me like Creative Services is cleaning out a wharehouse or something. I remember wiring a display like this in 92. That one had the alternator wired for 110v and was plugged in to drive the engine at a slow speed. I think that also was the year a S-10 was shown with the "suicide style" doors on the extended cab. Those were the " Fun " days of wiring outdoor shows.

I love the last line in your signature. Probably whats for lunch also.....

10-13-2004, 20:06
Yeah, I have been watching that engine on ebay. I wonder how incomplete it is inside, and if it could be built into a running engine. Its definitly a proto-type engine, the upper intake portion and turbo exhaust manifold mounting are different from what they went with on production 6.5 engines.

10-13-2004, 20:37
The intake and turbo is what threw me off. It is advertised as a '91 I think, but it has sensors for and EFI engine, definataly prototype. Makes a person wonder what else is different...
Mark, glad ya like the line, it keeps me in a job.

10-14-2004, 05:02
Very interesting indeed!

As for purchasing, I would be leery of the block. If its truly that early production (1991) and a prototype to boot, whats to say that GM didn't used their discarded or flawed castings for mockup engine purposes?

Also, look at the bidding. It shows definate signs of someone running up the bid. The seller is from Detroit, I am guessing someone brought this home from work for free, and is trying to make a quick buck.

[ 10-14-2004, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Mark Rinker ]

10-14-2004, 07:28
And, to make a complete Stock package, for those that like an original restore:


(Jeez fella, just take it to the dump) smile.gif

10-14-2004, 07:47
If anyone is seriously interested in the block - I would be happy (curious) to check it out for them tonight if contact can be made with the seller.....

I'll be in that area most of the night tonight....