View Full Version : detroit

10-07-2013, 12:18
would like some help on a 6-71 she started smoking a little bit then it started getting worse but it still ran fine and it cleaned up when on the move now its smoking like a freight train wont clean up and when you first start to take off it seems like its flooded it will miss spit and sputter until the rpms come up and it will run okay and now it is harder to start any help would sure be appreciated thanks

10-07-2013, 21:55
i had/have 671's
How long have you been using the detroit?
Check the usual suspects,filters fuel and air.How long since oil change?
Mine like straight weight oils,30W summer,10W if in cold weather.If they got 15w40 they would puke it out of the air boxs when cold.
Get some stanadyne injector cleaner and fill a new filter and run that through.
Make sure that anyone that works on the injectors/rack know what they are doing.One guy that did the injectors on mine had it run away.Very scarey experience,thought i was going to lose my fuel truck and shop that day.

10-08-2013, 04:15
new filters new oil and run injector cleaner through almost seems like its getting to much fuel and flooding

10-08-2013, 07:50
You can't "flood" a Diesel. If it's "overfueled", it's running away.

Go back to basics. White smoke is cold combustion. Look to the possible causes, including fuel quality/contamination, timing(s), air intrusion/outgassing, injector health, etc.

10-08-2013, 10:23
From the symptoms you describe it sounds like your 6-71 DD could have an issue with the first cold weather of the season. A well used/old two stroke DD will smoke and miss until it gets up to operating temperature. It is getting cold in Mi. so make sure the thermostat/winter front/shutters what ever the truck is equipped with are working properly.


10-08-2013, 14:13
would like some help on a 6-71 she started smoking a little bit then it started getting worse but it still ran fine and it cleaned up when on the move now its smoking like a freight train wont clean up and when you first start to take off it seems like its flooded it will miss spit and sputter until the rpms come up and it will run okay and now it is harder to start any help would sure be appreciated thanks

What color is the smoke? White is unburnt fuel, black is over fueling, blue is lube oil burning. All have different causes. You can also smell the smoke and tell what is burning. Let us know.

10-11-2013, 04:18
it always had a little oil burn blue smoke not a lot but a little now im getting lots of black and white smoke I know u cant flood a diesel but that is kind of what it acts like now it wont hardly start and when it does it runs terrible you have to keep feathering throttle or it will stall and smokes like a train blue white and black it started acting like it was loading up when you cleaned it out it sort of was okay. temp up where it needs to be. thanks for help

10-28-2013, 13:34
it always had a little oil burn blue smoke not a lot but a little now im getting lots of black and white smoke I know u cant flood a diesel but that is kind of what it acts like now it wont hardly start and when it does it runs terrible you have to keep feathering throttle or it will stall and smokes like a train blue white and black it started acting like it was loading up when you cleaned it out it sort of was okay. temp up where it needs to be. thanks for help
now it will backfire every now and then

11-06-2013, 12:12
tried all cheap fixes nothing worked any body got any ideas thanks