View Full Version : Peninsular 300Hp DB2

10-04-2013, 06:50
Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone has any further info on the DB2 that peninsular sell that's advertised as being in the 300Hp range, or if anyone know's what pump # this is or what they've done to it?

I'm not interested in the marine pump, as I have a Hummer 6.5 build and want the power in the rev range down low not at 2800rpm.

I've searched the forums and from what I can see there was project using the marine pump, but I'm unable to find to much out about the vehicular version of this pump.

Thanks in advance,


10-04-2013, 13:42
I don't have the paperwork here with me on the road, but Peninsular built my engine in late '06. I do have the hi-pop injectors, and the related pump. Mine's rated at 230HP, 430 lb.-ft of torque. Low end is excellent. I cruise at around 1750 RPM.

10-08-2013, 12:00
It's called a 4974.

It's calibrated for whatever your power requirements are. I build them for max effort and can do 375HP or so.


10-12-2013, 05:55
It's called a 4974.

It's calibrated for whatever your power requirements are. I build them for max effort and can do 375HP or so.


Hi John,

This is what I want to hear :) The 4974 is a marine pump isn't it?

Would this be suitable for a road going street engine?

The engine is being built to handle the extra power, and I'm looking for a pump between the 300 - 350 range so it doesn't run lean, it would be ideal if I could find a boost referenced or anaroid pump for the 6.5, do you guys know of any?

Thanks again !

10-14-2013, 08:16
no need to worry about running lean. You can't run a diesel too lean.

Factory turbo? Intercooled?

If using the factory turbo, forget 300 HP. Not intercooled? Also forget 300 HP, you're going to safely be able to run the engine in the 250HP range, and that's about it.

10-15-2013, 07:08
Nah I've had Garrett modify one of their turbos to fit within the factory housing, I'm also running an intercooler and a water/meth set up.

I've had an engineering company make a custom manifold to control the acoustic sound waves as we found in testing on the P400 that with the standard intake manifold cylinders 1 and 3 were starving each other of air in the firing order being one after the other.

I spoke to Peninsular who were "kinda" helpful but not really in telling me that they run the 4911 on trucks with no problem, but I'm still not 100% sure I'm a bit worried that the fuel graphing will be way off as its made for a boat under constant load, not a truck with stop/start and varying throttle positions, especially in a Hummer and wanting torque down low.

They also didn't answer me the four times I asked in email if they had an aneroid pump for the 6.5, so in saying that I found this aneroid modification online made for an IDI ford pump and have read on two forums that some users "think" that it will work on the mechanical DB2, I mean the top cover looks the same to me, what do you think?


10-15-2013, 08:32
The 4911 is what comes 92-93 6.5's stock. The 4974 is the marine "6.2" injection pump.

They both need calibration to work in your application. Governor settings aren't great up top for sure.

Sounds good on your turbo/intercooler.

I have seen the Hypermax aneroid setup, I don't know if the covers are the same between the 6.2 and 6.9 DB2's. I'd contact Hypermax and ask if they cold do one for a DB2 off a chevy.

I can ask my pump guy about this one.

Interesting note on the intake plenums. I never really did like the center mount turbo intake manifold setup, looked to me like you're decribing.


10-15-2013, 09:41
Would like to see a pic of that intake manifold...

10-18-2013, 04:31
The 4911 is what comes 92-93 6.5's stock. The 4974 is the marine "6.2" injection pump.

They both need calibration to work in your application. Governor settings aren't great up top for sure.

Sounds good on your turbo/intercooler.

I have seen the Hypermax aneroid setup, I don't know if the covers are the same between the 6.2 and 6.9 DB2's. I'd contact Hypermax and ask if they cold do one for a DB2 off a chevy.

I can ask my pump guy about this one.

Interesting note on the intake plenums. I never really did like the center mount turbo intake manifold setup, looked to me like you're decribing.


Ahh ok my mistake there with the pump #'s, I got in contact with Hypermax and they said they weren't sure if it would fit on the DB2, but they know it fits the DB4 pump, they're going to try and find a DB2 and see if it will fit.

I have a new #5079 at home here with a spare 12v cover, and I think this pump is the military turbo pump but is only rated to 200hp, I might look into that marine pump you mentioned and just have it calibrated to the engine, calibrating pumps and all of that is a bit beyond me, so I have to have the guy at the diesel shop do it for me.

Would like to see a pic of that intake manifold...

Sure, I'll post some pictures as soon as it's done !

Thanks to ya'll for your help ...