View Full Version : Oil Fouled turbo

09-29-2013, 07:54
Hey guys I am new to the turbo diesel thing. I was told my turbo was oil fouled. I have no freakin clue what that mean. Is it no good at all now?

09-29-2013, 10:19
It may be normal, but difficult to tell without looking at it. The crankcase vent is plumbed into the intake, between the air cleaner and turbo. The CDR (crankcase depression regulator, the tuna can on the pass. side valve cover) limits the amount of crankcase vacuum caused by the intake suction, but other factors can cause excessive vented oil vapor in the intake, such as an air filter that's used up (increased intake vacuum). "Fouled" can also mean a turbo spindle oil seal that's failed, allowing pressurized oil, always present to lubricate the bearing/bushing, which will leak into the intake.

Remove the intake pipe at the compressor inlet. If it's oily between the turbo compressor and air cleaner, it's engine crankcase oil vapor "fouling". If it's relatively clean, with minor oil residue (normal), remove the upper intake plenum (hat) and compare the oil residue at the compressor outlet with the inlet. If they are similar, then it's crankcase vent oil. If it's excessive between the compressor and intake plenum, you may have an oil leak in the turbo. Excessive oil residue at the inlet indicates excessive engine blowby, bad air filter, overfilled crankcase, or failed CDR (rare).

09-29-2013, 16:36
Here's a pic of the turbo don't know what you can tell you guys know better then me

09-29-2013, 17:07
Looks like an ATS turbo kit. You posted in the 6.5L forum, so I assumed... (yeah, I know). The ATS system is a bit different than the OEM 6.5TD, but similar enough in this case. The CDR I mentioned will be mounted on a bracket next to the oil fill pipe, and not plumbed like original.

I'd need a better pic of the compressor. If it wasn't making boost, it could be oil, or some other issue. Pics can be deceiving, but it doesn't look good. Looks like there's nothing left of the compressor wheel, which makes it junk. Rebuild, at the least. Did it "work" before?

09-29-2013, 18:10
I will try and get some more pic's I haven't gotten the truck yet it should be here next weekend. Its mine just haven't gottin it up to my house yet.

09-29-2013, 18:58
If that's what your intake and turbo looks like now, I suggest you start shopping around for a replacement. John8662 can help you better than I with this series of turbo system. Give him a holler.

09-30-2013, 12:14
I'd say the first problem is that it is on the floor of your backseat... Typically they work best when connected to the engine... :p

10-01-2013, 08:28
If this is an 82 Pickup, we're going to be moving this post to the 6.2L forum because that's actually what the 6.5 in the truck replaced. It's still a 6.2 platform.

We'll need some more pics of the engine with the turbo configuration on it.

Yeah the parts are most likely part of an ATS turbo setup, got some good hands-on experience with these engines in regard to this setup.

10-01-2013, 09:27
ok that's fine just wasn't sure were to put it and this seamed right. I will be asking you a lot of question sir then cause I don't know crap about the turbo's