View Full Version : ISX conversion

09-11-2013, 17:40
I am looking for a forum to exchange ideas on among other things a 15 liter ISX conversion to Nat Gas only. I am new to diesels and engines the size of the Cummins ISX 15.
I need to source a really good machine shop to modify parts including the head. Its gonna need spark plugs etc. Any direction ideas appreciated. Has anyone on any of related forums
worked with the class 8 size stuff??

More Power
09-12-2013, 09:39
Welcome to the board!

A quick Google search turned up these links:

Let us know what develops. Jim

09-12-2013, 10:17
I have seen all the easy to find stuff, What I need to find is some people who have done similar and really know what it takes. I am surprised that there doesnt seem to be any truckers who are doing this for 100% CNG.

More Power
09-12-2013, 12:28
I have seen all the easy to find stuff, What I need to find is some people who have done similar and really know what it takes. I am surprised that there doesnt seem to be any truckers who are doing this for 100% CNG.

Truckers I know are realists. Currently, there doesn't exist enough CNG fueling stations across the country to make the switch practical. CNG conversions for light-duty vehicles cost upwards of $3k, and more for heavy-duty. Realists know that the government and the energy companies will eventually bring parity in BTU costs between CNG and diesel fuel. CNG increases the risks to both motor vehicles and vehicle occupants. For these reasons, it'll be a tough sell.

Making/keeping CNG low cost could be the incentive the country needs to begin a large scale transition, but... Jim