View Full Version : stalling problems... yes another one.

House Builder
10-06-2005, 10:14
ok here's the story...

About 6 months ago I bought a 2000 K3500, with a 6.5 TD. it's been running fine since I got it untill 2 weeks ago. About a month ago while towing on a hot day the SES light came on, but other then that I didn't notice anything else abnormal. Though the light stayed on I didn't have any problems.

Then about 2 weeks ago I had just pulled onto the road out of our driveway and started to accelirate and it died on me, just died like someone had turned the key off. I coasted to the side of the road and turned the key off then on and it started right up, I continued on to the store about 5 miles away. When I tried starting it at the store it wouldn't start, after poping the hood and pulling some fuses in and out checking them it started.

It ran fine for another week or so... then as I was driving out the driveway (we have a half mile dirt driveway which is pretty rough) it died on me again, it wouldn't start till I messed with the fuse box under the hood.

It didn't have another problem till yeasterday, I had just pulled onto the road and was about up to highway speed and it died, I pulled over and it wouldn't start. I treid everything I could think of, checked all the fuses, wiggled all the wires I could find, disconnected the batterys and reconnected them, notthing helped. We towed it home. Yeasterday evening after it had set for about 3 hours, I tried it and it started right up! samething this morning, starts right up and runs fine!

The SES light hasn't come back on yet but I'm sure it will. so what does it sound like? FSD going? it doesn't seem to be heat related. other then it dieing, it hasn't had any other problems.

We have 4 other 6.2's and have fixed about everything that can go wrong on them... but I'm lost when it comes to the computerized 6.5, for now I'm not driving it anywhere till I figure out why it dies. thanks in advance for any and all replys!

Barry Nave
10-06-2005, 10:52
Does sound like the FSD.
How many miles on truck. PMD/FSD probley has been changed once?
Fuel system check should also be in order.
Fuel flow,open water drain does the Eng. stall?
Is there fuel flow out the water drain.
Always nice to know what code got set.
Sence SES light has gone out and not returned it might of been a Soft Code. Could also be a injection pump,again miles on truck.
Grounds are very important and needs a cleaning yearly. Good batterys are also a must.
If you click on "My Profile" top right under Post A Reply, You can type any thing about the truck or yourself :D
Also the FSD makes alot of heat on its own. I go for cooler mounted FSD only.
Then again I'm a SOL-D nut :D

House Builder
10-06-2005, 11:11
thanks for the reply!

It has about 76,000 miles on it right now, it had a hard life with the mineing company we bought it from. I have no clue if the PMD/FSD has been changed or not... but I doubt it given the low number of miles.

I'll do a fuel check on it, I replaced the fuel filter about 3 weeks ago. I doubt though that it's fuel supply, I've delt with fuel problems before and this doesn't act like one.

I think the SES light will come back on, about 3 weeks ago when I diconnect the batterys for another reason, it went off and stayed off till I drove it a few miles then it came back on.

I'll clean all the battery connections and grounds and run a fuel test.. but since it's running right now I won't know if that fixed it or not, ah the joys of computerized trucks. tongue.gif

Bigg R
10-06-2005, 12:15
My dad's 99 K3500 did exactly the same thing except no SES, a new FSD cured it!!!!

10-06-2005, 17:45
One idea to try on a hot engine no start/stall. Pour tap water on the PMD. This little black box is the heart and soul for the Injection Pump. It has two 500 watt drivers inside that don't like heat.
The tap water will cool it off just enough to get you home or off the highway. Unfortuneately this will never throw an engine code to help you fix it. This may not be what's causing your truck's issues but it is VERY common after a few miles/years.

10-06-2005, 18:13
That sounds like textbook FSD failure to me. Anytime the truck dies completely without sputtering first, it's most likely to be electronic. On these trucks any electronic problem is most likely to be the FSD, especially considering the apparent randomness of it.

You're still under warranty, so get that thing to a Chevy dealer!

House Builder
10-06-2005, 19:05
thanks for the replys!

yup warrenty is up Nov. 2, we're getting it to a dealer ASAP.

I don't think it's heat related.. all the times it died, it was still "cold" usually having been started with in the last 5 minutes or less.

anyway we're getting it to a dealer and hopefully get it fixed.

10-06-2005, 19:50
House Builder

Your injection pump (which includes the PMD) warranty is 11 years or 120K miles. This warranty extension only applies to the pump/PMD. Your 5 year warranty applies to the engine and integral components. Originally, before the I/P TSB's (currently 00064D), the 5 year engine warranty was all that covered the I/P issues.

Some dealers will try to tell you the bulletin only covers the pump. This is not true. According to GM, the pump and PMD are one unit, and must be replaced as one piece. The pump/PMD is provided from (or paid for) by Stanadyne. When your dealer replaces a pump and/or PMD under this bulletin, they will receive both, the pump and PMD, or the funds to pay for them.

Barry Nave
10-06-2005, 23:15
A good dealer,shop manager will run your VIN number and give the history of this truck if it was surviced by a dealer. With the miles on truck I would try my best for a new pump though knowing it may only be a FSD/PMD issue. Dealer should be on top of the warranty issue.
Just make sure the fuel system is clean for they will also CK the fuel system.
The members area(Reference Section) will have a lay out of the warranty issue and what to look for and do before going to the dealer.

House Builder
10-10-2005, 18:16
ok.. took it to the dealer today, 90 miles one way to Klameth Falls, drove fine all the way and the SES light never came back on. the dealer says it's a "intake tamp sensor" that is bad, and according to the code history it has faild 16 times. and at the moment it was saying that the intake temp was -32 F. they also said that it had a record of a engine misfire.

now I don't know, but I don't see how the temp being off would kill the engine?

anyway what are your thoughts on all this?

Barry Nave
10-11-2005, 01:45
Yea thats crap :mad:
Intake temp is only a control system for boost management and has noting to do with a shut down,running issue.
What to do with this dealer ? Lot of miles to have to drive just for warrenty issue.
What codes were pulled or did he show you.
Sounds like the PMD has not been changed under warrenty. If this is the case than the PMD sure has had a long life. The injection pump has many miles left on it. I once thought my pump was going bad, Code 35 at times then code 36 and others that was not related but just follow along with the 35&36.
After installing the SOL-D the truck runs great,the pump is happy and along with the Max-E 2.0,turbo master all is well.
You might be in the boat to add a new driver mated with a cooler and not worry about when the truck is going to die again.
Do you still think it's not heat related? The trip to the dealer,was it cool out?
Good luck ;)
BTW,are you running with the Turbo cover on?

House Builder
10-11-2005, 09:02
yes it was cool all the way to the dealer, probably not over 50F outside. I'm not sure about heat related, the first time the SES light came on was just after I had pulled some long hot hills with a GVCW of about 20K and ran a water temp over 250F. but other then the light coming on it didn't have any problems. But when it started dieing... everytime it died was within about 5 minutes of starting it and it was "cold".

For the trip to the dealer the turbo cover was off, but that was the first time I've driven it that way.

anyway, they are supposed to replace the sensor today when they get it, and we'll have to drive all the way up there to get it. but I don't think they fixed whats wrong. but I'm not sure how to get them to replace the PMD/Pump since they don't think thats the problem.

Barry Nave
10-12-2005, 00:45
the first time the SES light came on was just after I had pulled some long hot hills with a GVCW of about 20K and ran a water temp over 250F. but other then the light coming on it didn't have any problems.

This could of done the PMD in or weaken it. Being that hot with turbo cover on :eek:
What they are doing now,under warranty yes? seems hard to belive they would go to that trouble and not R&R the pump :confused:

House Builder
10-13-2005, 19:17
I got the truck back from the dealer yeasterday (another 180 mile round trip) it's been running fine and the SES light has stayed off.

the codes the dealer found were, P0113 and P0748.

anyway, we'll see how it goes, hopefully it's fixed but I doubt it.

House Builder
10-15-2005, 18:56
I took it for a drive today, about 5 miles down the road it dies. won't restart till I pull off the turbo cover and pour water on the PMD/pump.

I leave the turbo cover off and keep driving, about 15 miles later it dies again, won't restart. we tow it home, when we get home it starts fine.

I'm almost sure it's the PMD, but since it's not throwing a code I don't know how I'll get the dealer to fix it.

any suggestions? just buy the remote mounting kit and be done with it?

this is starting to get old fast not being able to drive it anywhere.

10-15-2005, 20:18
Try removing the PMD, on the underside of it there is two plastic covers. Remove them, loosen the nuts and retorque.
If these nuts are not tight enough the diodes (I think thats what they are) will not transfer heat properly and can cause stalling.

This a cheap fix that is worth trying, I tried it a while back and got a further 18 months out of the PMD without a single stall before it finally gave up the ghost.
I know that this does not work in every case but it is worth trying and costs nothing.

Good luck

Jim Twaddle
Biggar, Scotland

10-15-2005, 20:21
It,s the pmd . saw it right off. Change it to a remote mount out side the engine compartment and no more trouble.With a 99 gm should change it thats the problem .I,m sure thats the cause it happened to me.

Turbine Doc
10-17-2005, 20:18
I have heard that if the center plug is removed from the IP during a start it sets a code which does not reset until cleared with a scan tool, even if plugged back in and driven to the dealer., Which strangely engough is a IP fault code generally requiring an IP replacement, may take multiple visits to get dealer to act on it, but can get dealer to act or so I've heard ;)

Then remote mount it with a Heath as next time GM warranty probably will have expired, and still be covered by the Heath one, or if dealer proves to much hassle go with Heath or RemarK Q now either of which should be last one you will need

10-18-2005, 02:18
Try a different dealer or talk with a dealer that is knowledgable and honest. When mine started acting up, after presenting the evidence provided by DP, the dealer not only replaced the pump& FSD but installed their FSD on a remote, provided by me. Don't give up. The dealers can be aware of this issue. It's very common.

House Builder
10-18-2005, 20:18
well, we towed back to our place here in Escondido. took it into the dealer today, it died as I got there and coasted it into the service dept.

they called back and said that yes it was a bad pump, and they will replace it.

anyway, so that will be fixed. whats a good place I can get a remote mounting kit from? I'd rather not go through this every 60/80K miles.

10-19-2005, 04:46

Check out this post (http://forum.thedieselpage.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=009417)consider ing the three main options for solving FSD problems. Basically, you can choose the aftermarket Sol-D, (http://www.remarqtech.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1&zenid=acb13610fc5c4175ad96e2b5d7fcf969) or a factory Stanadyne FSD mounted on a cooler by Kennedy Diesel (http://www.kennedydiesel.com/categoryresults2.cfm?Category=1&SubCategory=62), or a Stanadyne FSD glued to a plate by Heath Diesel. (http://www.heathdiesel.com/P/HDP1280/) There are others out there, but I wouldn't bother with them.

If you're getting a new injection pump, which should be covered under the extended GM IP warranty, you could remove the new FSD off the IP and mount it to an FSD cooler, which you can buy separately from Kennedy Diesel. You'd also need to buy an extension harness to get it away from the engine.


Turbine Doc
10-19-2005, 05:09
Small point of reference, on Heath unit it's not "glued on the plate" according to Heath driver & plate are 1st milled for flatness and surface to surface contact, then epoxied into place, I can confirm the epoxy visually will have to take them at their word on milling.

Barry Nave
10-20-2005, 02:14
Heath unit it's not "glued on the plate
Does it still use the pad and screws?
Just wonder why Bill thought of the epoxy as the way of mounting.

Turbine Doc
10-20-2005, 08:03
Yes on the screws, can't be sure about the pad looks like he doesn't use it, I can't really tell for the bond around the joint between driver and plate, best bet to say for sure is to call him if he uses a pad, also I sort of recall the bonding material isn't epoxy per-sei, but a polymer that aids in heat xfer but I might be wrong on that one.

[ 10-20-2005, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: tbogemirep ]

Barry Nave
10-21-2005, 01:18
aids in heat xfer

This would make sence ;)