View Full Version : Bed prices?

07-27-2013, 16:23
Curious what the going price is for a used 8' Chevy PU bed for an 80s truck.
My 83 C-30 is on it's way out, and in desperate need of rust repair. Saw one on the side of the road for sale on a farm trailer, in primer, in "OK" shape, asking price $1600 :eek:. Thought the rest of the truck should go with it, but the older gent says that's what he paid for it a while back, and what he wants now. I see the side panels offered through the Chinese aftermarket suppliers for $1000 each side. I'm in New England, and would think these replacement beds would be a tad more affordable. especially seeing we're talking Chevy, and not Ferrari.

07-27-2013, 16:52
Check www.lmctruck.com . Sometimes, new is less expensive than new. No guarantees on the origin.

07-28-2013, 07:10
Thanx for the tip Dave. It seems they don't carry complete bed sides, but patches have possibilities.

07-28-2013, 07:27
Problem is that if you're in an area where replacement beds are needed (rust), you're not going to have a large supply and they are priced accordingly. Likely Arizona, California, and New Mexico have much cheaper prices - but then there is the question of getting it from there to you.

07-28-2013, 12:29
Yeah, the region has a lot to do with it. I have a straight, good-paint, fleet side, short bed, with a liner insert, for a GMT-400 with a $500 price tag on it. It's still here. Earlier model beds are much fewer anymore, but they are available, and sell for around $500 here, too.

07-28-2013, 17:24
I paid 800 for a bed here that had dents

07-30-2013, 13:55
Sounds like "1/2 price" to me.:)