View Full Version : Absolutely no power

07-27-2013, 13:46
After having issues starting, my truck (Frankenstein 97 Chevy 6.5l k2500) melted the starter terminal off the battery and after a few macguyver wiring jobs, I finally rewired the battery terminals. I went to start it and once the wts light went off, I turned the key and lost all power! I checked all the fuses and connections and still nothing... Any suggestions on where to start?

07-27-2013, 14:17
I feel like I have lost continuity somewhere...

07-27-2013, 15:36
Sounds like you have a major short somewhere. Melting the starter wire off the battery would require a lot of heat. Break out the multimeter!

07-27-2013, 16:23
Not the starter wire, but the lead terminal lead.. I have been checking all connections and grounds and still nothing

07-28-2013, 09:50
Day 3: still nothing.. Shouldn't there be a relay for the ignition? Underdash maybe?

07-29-2013, 09:58
Any cable on my truck that has what appears to be a corroded terminal or loose connection, gets a new cable. For what a new cable costs or an hour or 2 of checking with an ohmmeter, i got other things to do such as watch chicks and drink beer. It's easy to heat a terminal when it gets a loose or intermittant condition. Start out with clean new connectors, some nice fully charged batteries and try again. rabfan is right you need a multimeter.

07-29-2013, 15:52
Day 3: still nothing.. Shouldn't there be a relay for the ignition? Underdash maybe?

There's a starter relay for the ignition in the fuse box on the driver's side wheel well in the engine compartment. It acts as a go-between for the ignition switch and the starter solenoid, and doesn't sound like the problem.

I'm gonna guess your starter motor windings are melted down. Pull the starter and bring it to an auto parts store to have them bench test it. Go there with the $200 + you'lll need for a new starter... Unless you go to the GM dealer - then you'll need $500:eek:

08-01-2013, 00:32
check the fusible link that runs from the starter to the firewall,.
it feeds the whole truck,.

08-01-2013, 11:46
Melted terminal.... Burned fusible link....

Find your dead short before attempting a repeat, or you'll have a repeat. Whatever is shorting, it's capable of 200+ amps, which ain't no lightweight. Starter, starter relay/solenoid, HVAC, trailer charge, headlamp, etc. If it happened when the key was turned to "ON", it could be the accessory circuit. If it happened when the key was turned to "Start", it's the starter circuit.