View Full Version : New 6.5 owner with problems

07-14-2013, 23:39
Problems I knew I was getting into! lol.

Been reading a ton on here and various other forums.

So I came across a non running 95 K1500 with the 6.5 for cheap, I got interested. Normally though, I wouldn't have touched it without hearing it run, however I realized that I was good friends with a bunch of people that the PO knew, and they all vouched for him so I went for it. It "only needed a starter".

Well I got the starter, and it starts, runs, sounds fine and doesn't smoke cept for a tiny white puff on startup and a tiny puff of black if I get on it from a stop.

Except... I have a stalling issue and sometimes a no-start issue. Going by the sticker for the last oil change, I estimate the truck sat for perhaps 11 months. The tank was also empty. I added 3 gallons of fresh fuel. It took a bit of cranking to get it running the first time, when it did it only ran a few seconds, then quit. Started it back up and it sat and idled fine for awhile.

So I decided to take it for a drive. 2-3 min in it died. I was with a buddy and we were only 100 yards from the house of a guy I know, so I started walking to his house but only made it 50 yards before my buddy tried it, it started, I ran back, we made it another 2-3 min when it died again. Waited a minuted, started again, made it back home were it died in the driveway.

Since then, I have checked that I am getting fuel out of that drain hose/t handle thing, I am and it appears clean and air free. It'll fill a water bottle up in just a few seconds. The PO had the PMD relocation kit, but only had it setting on the inner fender. I've tried bolting it to the core support and even kept a fan blowing on it. But still, it is hard to start (sometimes) and seems to run for approx 5min on a cold start, and only 2-3 on a warm start. The PMD gets hot, keeping a wet rag on it seems to make it run longer.

I have ordered a used, tested PMD and if it fixes it, will order more as spares. However, in the meantime I would like to know what else I should check and how to check it.

07-15-2013, 03:32
Sounds like classic PMD failure, Check out post on stalling about 6 lines down.
Get a new one and get it out of engine compartment.
My guess the previous owner had the problem for a while Hence the Bad starter.

Good Luck Dave

07-15-2013, 04:17
Sounds like PMD issue. IMHO....I would not buy a used one. most of them have been replaced for a reason. I have the newest version of the Stanadyne PMD and it is functioning perfectly with 150k miles and two different trucks. Mine is mounted on the driver fender well with heat sink protruding into the inner fender and heat shield inside. Keep the used one for a back-up and get a new one for driving.

Also make SURE to check and re-torque your starter bolts!!! Make sure the front nose bracket is in place and tight.
Hope this helps!

07-15-2013, 08:51
The seller of the used PMD has a 30 day warranty and has sold a bunch with positive feedback. How they end up with a bunch used working ones is beyond me, but the feedback checked out. I probably will purchase a new one and maybe a couple used ones.

And yeah on them starter bolts. I already had a bunch of headache with them. First was that bracket, though luckily mine still had the bracket, then I had a heck of a time with it grinding, only to realize I needed them bolts with the knurled bit. I got that part all worked out though.

I am going to cut a piece of angle today and make a mount in that hole in the bumper. Gonna make it so it's easy to change out. I take it that being submerged or drenched won't hurt the PMD?

07-15-2013, 10:05
I would not mount it in a place that is exposed to allot of water submersion. You would be tempting fate...I have had one PMD fail due to water intrusion...at least that's what they told me and I did see some evidence. So I would make some effort to keep it cool AND dry if possible. Electronics and water do not normally mix with good results...

07-15-2013, 12:16
That's what I thought too, but somewere I read that water wouldn't hurt it. I suspect that perhaps water shouldnt hurt it, as it's sealed and has a sealed plug, but seals fail...

I often find myself in water a couple foot deep. My in-laws live down a road that floods often (still water, not moving). So mounting it in the hole in the bumper is out then.

Are you saying you cut a hole in the inner fender and stuck the heatsink through the hole? That sounds like a good idea.

07-15-2013, 16:31
Update: Mounted the PMD in the hole in the bumper.
Also noted I did not have a glow plug light, so researched that and want to diagnosing. The glow plug fuse was missing all together.

Now it starts way faster, easier, and stay's running longer, but still dies. Will wait on new PMD and see what happens.

07-18-2013, 15:41
After lots of fooling with it, doing all the diagnostics I could find, I was determined it was the PMD extension harness.

Got new wire. Did not worked, so swapped to the used PMD I bought and it works.

Looks like I'm good to go. I think short term I'm going to have the injectors rebuilt, have a pipe welded in were PO cut out catalytic convertor, and get 2 matching batteries.

Before winter I'd like to replace glow plugs. Before I tow I need to get a set of tires (retreads on it right now)

Long term, exhaust system, locker/limited slip in the rear. How are those gov-lock lockers? Anyone know? I read lots of bad, but only on hardcore offroad websites. I'm not going to be doing *hardcore*, I mainly want it for in the snow/ice storms, I have a detriot locker in the Toyota and absolutely love it.