View Full Version : Transmission Temp gauge

01-08-2005, 04:30
I just purchased a 97 2500 with a 6.5 TD. It has a Banks transmission temparture gauge mounted about half way up the drivers side pillar post. This looks like a good gauge and install but I'm assuming it is something the previous owner added. My question is, the gauge has not indicated a temp yet. It's lower range is 140 F and that is where the needle is sitting. It is cold here (day time highs in the twenties) and I haven't towed with the truck yet. With no load on the truck, will the the transmission fluid reach 140 F, or is it simply not getting warm enough to registor on the gauge yet? If it should be reading something would anyone out there know where the sensor might be attached so that I can check it out? Thanks.

01-08-2005, 06:04
It depends upon where they mounted the sensor. I have two sending units w/one gauge. One is in the cooler line going out of the transmission, and one on the return from the coolers w/ a toggle switch to monitor each sending unit. Comming back from the coolers I don't see any temps unless I'm towing or in the hot summer in traffic. The out going sender shows about 140-150 degrees now in winter. The unlocked torque converter is what generates heat, when locked on the highway very little heat is generated, resulting in a low reading. Check the sender location. Hope this helps. If you want to see heat, do a lot of local stop lights etc on a warmer day, you will see an increase. smile.gif