View Full Version : head gaskets

05-06-2013, 05:48
I have an 83 6.2 that was originally in a van now in a 94 Silverado. It has been running poorly for a long time. Several compression tests did not come up with anything conclusive. The IP,injectors and timing chain have all been replaced over the last year or so. Yesterday I checked compression again and found all cylinders except one with ~400psi. The next to the back on the drivers side would not go over 200 on several tries. It hasn't lost coolant to amount to anything and I haven't seen any bubbles in the overflow. Next step is pulling the heads. Questions:I have heard to use only FelPro gaskets-- is that correct? also to use 6.5 gaskets. If the heads themselves are bad I have a set of 6.5 TD heads that may be good. I have heard that they will work ok. Also, from what I have heard, the bolts should be replaced as well. Any recommendations? The truck is not driven hard and will probably not ever pull anything very heavy. Thanks!!

05-06-2013, 06:41
With only one cyl low and no coolant loss, you should check the valve train before yanking the head.

The issue may be a broken rocker arm or ??? something simple.

A blown gasket will almost always result in coolant loss and over pressure in the cooling system.

Good luck
