View Full Version : Onboard communication?

04-30-2013, 22:18
I have some property about an hour outside of our small southern Oregon town. Very, very spotty cell phone coverage at the property.

I'd like to install some type of radio communication so I can get ahold of my wife or visa versa from home to property. It's high desert (4500') in the mountains. For those that motor around the country, any advice on choices? CB? Ham? Satellite phone? Learn to yell loud? Other options? :confused:

05-01-2013, 08:48
I haven't tried this and I know next to nothin about CB's or other radios (other than holding a license from when I worked on the airfield).

However, you may want to investigate cell phone signal boosters. I've heard from others that it can make a dramatic difference and I think your situation of having a building might be the ideal use case.


See if there's a retailer in a reasonable range of you and if so, make sure you can return it. Get something... See if it makes a difference, if not return it... Otherwise return it and buy something more permanent.

We're looking at purchasing a lot just south of the US border near Vancouver and if we do so I'll probably be checking this out to see if it's viable.

The other nice thing, is if you can get cell phone signal working there, then you can get data as well.

05-10-2013, 22:08
I suppose I could use a converter and use one of the boosters in my truck when I go up to the property. No buildings w/electric on the property, yet.