View Full Version : 12mm main studs in 660 block,locktite,clean and dry,or anchoring,

03-31-2013, 04:47
I have a 1982 660 block , crack free. Bought main studs,nuts,special ARP lube for torqueing nuts to specs. My question is what would be the best way to go as to using blue or red locktite,or to use no thread locker at all,just clean main cap threads in block and stud end that screws into block with break clean and install dry?

My thoughts are this;using a thread locker is fine for the intended purpose,but,thread locker is a liquid and in this state of being liquid would it act as a lubricant causing the threads in block and stud to want to slide out from each other upon torqueing,much like the original bolts lubed with oil do when torqueing causing outward spread and cracking on the outer mains.

I called locktite tech and was told locktite blue or red does act like a lubricant and also a better lubricant than oil! So I thought well maybe install studs clean and dry in block so you have clean threads against clean threads for friction type of holding,since torqueing is done at the top with fine thread nuts and special ARP lube. Again I chose to use studs to avoid any torqueing/spreading in the outer main holes.Theres not a crack or hairline crack anywhere in this block,just like to keep it this way and not cause any cracking by something i've done. Outers are 12mm.

Is there a compound that could be used that would harden and anchor the studs in block and allow later assembly of mains and torqueing,or is this a bad idea? I'am thinking total anchoring would stop all spreading and thus no outer cracking.

Any experiance or comments in this area would be appreciated.


03-31-2013, 07:46
If ARP does not give any instructions, I would install the studs in the block using red locktite.

Wash the threads well with brake cleaner, blow dry, then install the studs.

Good luck


03-31-2013, 18:37
Thanks missy and good luck on monday,my prayers are with you.