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Barry Nave
02-06-2004, 15:24
The up to date pump # is 5528? right or wrong.
When you deal with some one on E bay, pump is good price though I do have a problem dealing with some of these person. 6 years with, on& off the diesel page I have learned. I ask there for I know. My wife thinks I know to much ityet so little :D We know how it is :rolleyes:
Any way the pump for sell is new, though the pump look's to be a GM give up.
Old School :eek:

02-06-2004, 16:51
Stolen from the www.kennedydiesel.com (http://www.kennedydiesel.com) Tech Tips site:

" Potential numbers are: 5067, 5068, 5288, 5459, and 5521. Pump model ID is critical for computer chip selection as the 5068 pump is unique. All others will interchange, but the 5068 requires a different program on the ECM chip."

Kennedy does rebuilds, among other useful things.

Never heard of a 5528 pump. Maybe its newer than new?