View Full Version : Rod bearings ??

03-13-2013, 12:07
I have my -94 6,5l TD in parts and are abt. To order rod bearings.
Old bearings are stamped with four different set of numbers.

Common for all bearings is:
3 94

On opposit end of bearing it is stamped A250, B992, C250 and C257.
Does it indicate different sizes or is it just.....numbers ??

k-1500 Silverado 1994.

More Power
03-13-2013, 16:17
There's a recent article available online now in the subscriber section that might help.

Otherwise, unless there's a fractional number included with the others you mentioned (like .013US), the bearings are standard, and that's what you will likely use. The .013US mentioned here is a thicker bearing to account for a slightly undersize journal. It actually means .013mm.
