View Full Version : Boost Bolt

02-24-2013, 07:31
Does anyone know where i can find a boost bolt for my 94 6.5 ? Ive been looking around the advertisers but cant find one

02-24-2013, 09:28
PMDCable (board advertiser) has them: http://leroydiesel.com/Accessories.html

[edit]The URL seems to have changed to "Leroy Diesel," but the bottom of their pages still say "PMD Cable"

02-24-2013, 09:29
If you can't find one, it's not that hard to remove the top inlet, 4 bolts, and drill it off the motor. Tap and use a 1/8 pipe to hose barb.

03-02-2013, 16:36
If you can't find one, it's not that hard to remove the top inlet, 4 bolts, and drill it off the motor. Tap and use a 1/8 pipe to hose barb.

Should be 6 bolts to remove the upper intake at least on an F vin there are,-the center 2 bolt holes are open to the plenum and are the location a boost bolt must be used to operate.