View Full Version : Anyone running a Greascar.com conversion?

09-30-2005, 01:37
This post is for those who are running a Greasecar.com conversion in their 6.5TD, the more miles the better.

Have searched the forum archives, with no specific, experience reports found.

My questions:

1. How is it working for you - engine performance-wise (I realize the additional chores associated with collecting and preparing WVO)

2. How much petro-diesel do use use compared to pre-conversion operations?

3. Any cold weather (less than 0 deg. F.) experience, and if so, how did it go?

4. Installation - do-it-yourself, or professional help?

5. If DIY, how did it go, and how long did it take?

6. If installed by others, and you're anywhere near Albany, NY, who did you use and would you recommend them?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer some / all of my questions.


10-01-2005, 04:24
I've sent a lot of FSD cooler kits to people installing the Greasecar kit. You might try asking Greasecar for 6.5 user references.

Barry Nave
10-01-2005, 08:33
Yes,there are several 6.5 users. Should get them into The Diesel Page.
Now I would love to be one to run SVO/WVO though the price is alittle rich for now.
Work slowing down :eek: :(

10-28-2005, 02:13
I dont know if this helps, but in my biodiesel research, I came accross a website, that was a simple way of running veg oil, with a few additives, and it comes up around 50 cent a gallon for feul. if you do a google search for diesel secret energy you should find it. basically you filter the oil mix a few ingredients and just dump it right in your tank. Just a thought, me personally I like the ideal of biodiesel. Hope this helps you

10-28-2005, 03:23
There are a couple posts on here about the "diesel secret" snake oil... Not something I'd put in my tank...

10-28-2005, 04:20
There's alot of discussion over on the BD forums. Check out the topic: http://biodiesel.infopop.cc/groupee/forums/a/tpc/f/419605551/m/4511077101

10-29-2005, 05:15
I believe Ian and I have conversed via email. Here is the email, hopefully it answer questions in the future also.

I have converted my '95 Suburban. I decided to go with the Greasecar kit mainly because of the tank. I had planned to make my own 'kit', but read all over the web that the only material that could withstand hot veg was aluminum. I couldn't find anyone around that would weld an aluminum tank for me. I also wanted to support the cause. With that said, I am satisfied with the quality. I have seen they've made some changes to the parts they supply. The kit I got had all 'of the shelf' parts. Things I could have bought myself. Now they have the better filter heads and valves.
I did indeed install the kit myself. It was great! I made some brackets to hold the tank underneath the 'burb', and brackets for the filter/valves. The hardest/longest part of the install was fabrication of those brackets and fitting everything in. You'd think Hey I have a big SUV I can find a really good place for everything under the hood, well, it's tough! I would say it took 2 days working no more than 6 hours a day. The third day was spent troubleshooting misconnected plumbing! The greasecar kit comes with a nice instruction book.
I installed the kit on Jan. 1 of this year. I have since driven over 15,000 miles on veg. This past summer I took two major road trips. I live in South Mississippi. The first was to Austin, TX ~1200 miles roundtrip. The second was from MS to LA, CA! With some stops throughout Arizona. This was just over 5,000 miles roundtrip. The 'burb did great on both trips, pulling a trailer full of veg! (350 gal. to LA) My '95 is no spring chicken, it has 330,000 on the clock now. It didn't have any problems aside from heat in the desert.
I really think the GM 6.5L loves veg. It gets much quieter when running on WVO.
I have never been below probably 25

10-29-2005, 19:12
I have the greasecar kit in my 99 just passed the 10K mile which was breakeven for me on my entire kit and home filtering system. I am truly diving for free. I spent $200 on D fuel since may the rest has been on WVO. I installed and debugged myself you can see photos on the greasecar profiles. I would be glad to talk to you if you like you can reach me Basshopper@hotmail.com