View Full Version : What have you found over the skid pan? (fun)

02-05-2004, 14:17
Dropped the skid pan this morning to start the cooling system upgrade, and a mouse fell out! He was dead, but apparently only for a couple hours (not a forensic specialist, but he wasn't stiff).

Has anyone else seen this, or have a better story?

02-05-2004, 16:34
On my CJ5, I found a mouse nest on the trans skidplate (no mouse). Also on my CJ, I found a wasp nest on top of my gas tank when I removed it - several were home at the time - wasps are motivational, they make you run really fast!

02-05-2004, 18:49
Originally posted by JeepSJ:
On my CJ5, I found a mouse nest on the trans skidplate (no mouse). Also on my CJ, I found a wasp nest on top of my gas tank when I removed it - several were home at the time - wasps are motivational, they make you run really fast! When I bought my Camaro I found a pair of underwear under the battery tray, really. No, no skid marks... :)

02-06-2004, 01:46
I was working on a old cab over engine International garbage truck. It had and absolutely huge gas engine in it. Engine wouldn't rev up, flipped the cab up, a huge pack rat jumped out (don't know who was more scared).
The silly little begger had built his nest around the carb and jambed the linkage so the throttle wouldn't open.
Teach them for running a gas pot :D

02-06-2004, 06:51
Since this has kinda degenerated to stories other than skid plates, I've got one.

After spending a couple of weeks guiding hunters in a remote back country elk camp in Wyoming my buddy and I got all cleaned up and were looking forward to driving the 50 miles to town for some R&R. We both and had been working 16 hour days for quite a while and needed to blow off some steam.

2 guys, all cleaned up (and trying to stay clean) climb into the "Black Beauty", my buddies 1 ton Dodge dually gasser. No start. No start. No start. Bummer.

Fianlly, pop the hood and see that Mr. Pack Rat had decided the top of the motor was a good place to set-up house for the coming winter. Them spark plug wires were in his way so they were relocated to the bottom of his nest.

After robbing a set off the old dump truck we were on our way. Not so clean anymore but in a much better mood.

02-08-2004, 16:23
The first time I changed the fuel filter in my truck I took off the Turbo Power cover and found a rats nest under there, no one was home thankfully. Thats what you get when you buy a truck that was sitting for 6 months. oh and there were wasp nest inside both side mirrors, and these cocoon things were everywhere.

Jim P
02-08-2004, 17:22
This is getting a little off topic from the original story but Buffalo Guys' story reminded me of an experience from my youth.

I was helping my uncle haul manure on his mini farm. I was driving the loader tractor and he was driving the tractor pulling the manure spreader. It was an old Oliver 88 gasser. We had to go into the pasture field to load the manure and cows were circling all around us. After the spreader was full he tried to start the Oliver but it wouldn't start. We got to looking and the spark plug wires were missing. We looked around and about 3 inches of a few plug wires were sticking out of his bull's mouth. He ate every last plug wire right off the tractor. We thought he would die from the metal pieces on the ends of the wires but he never did.

He also had an old chevy pickup in the pasture that had broken windows. The same bull put his head through the window and ate the whole vinyl seat except for the frame. There was not a piece of vinyl or padding left in the seat.

I remember asking my uncle why he ate this stuff but he just joked about him being rubber deficient.

None of this stuff ever seemed to cause the bull any problem at all.

02-09-2004, 11:48
I Found a dead chipmunk that had setup camp inside the breather on my Dodge Dakota.

02-09-2004, 12:14
We used to always have to park our old 60 John Deere gasser right up against the wall of the granery to keep the cows from eating the spark plug wires.

Another eating story...

We had an old Billy Goat (actually a pair, but only one did what I am about tell you) that ate the tail off of one of our horses. Yes, ate the tail right off. The goat eventually died... from a massive hair ball that it couldn't pass. No joke!

02-09-2004, 19:54
The vehicle:
'68 Chevy 1/2 ton pickup

The location:
Fan shroud

The creature:
Earl the neighborhood cat (name improvised)

You can see where this is going... :(

Imagine Earl's excitement once we started the truck one cold November morning. :eek:

[ 02-10-2004, 01:29 PM: Message edited by: Dieselboy ]

02-10-2004, 09:09
Ah yes... my 1977 Chevy with the 1983 donor cab. One of the floor boards had a hole in it about the size of a 50 cent piece before I patched it. The truck sits at the side of the garage all summer when there isn't any snow for it to push. Well, a squirrel decided to make the hole his door - and the box section bench seat frame the hiding spot for his acorns. There are several holes in the seat rail, just big enough to fit an acorn through; he managed to get about 50 in there. Well, snow came and I fired up the truck to push it and every time I accelerated, braked, turned, or shifted my weight on the seat I'd hear this sound like gravel in a coffee can. I ended up having to remove the seat and shake out as many acorns as I could. There's still about half a dozen acorns in it I couldn't get out.

Same truck last week... I remove the top of the air cleaner to give her a shot of ether. Under the lid, between the air cleaner and filter, what do I find but about 1/2 a pound of bird seed from the neighbor's feeder. A mouse???

02-10-2004, 10:24
Ive run across filled air cleaners with nuts
to the point that they won't run.

We towed our vehicles down to Ky to go on a trail ride, and a friend of mine w/his CJ7 w/side exhuast started it up and was warming it up. He would rev it up and we notice that something every once and a while was flying out of his muffler and bouncing off his tire. So he revs it up alot and then all the dog food came flying out.

Found a 3 1/2ft snake skin on the rad core support and my dog knows something is living in the cab of the old farm truck.

02-10-2004, 12:35
Momma cat crawed up into the rafters of the garage and had kittens on a flat sheet of plywood I had up there. Plywood did not have OSHA approved guardrails or saftey straps.

2 hour old kittens are blind. And pretty uneducated in the law of gravity.

I really didnt notice the dead kitten bodies on the hood of the car until I backed out of the driveway and into the street,where all the local kids were waiting for the schoolbus.



Barry Nave
02-10-2004, 20:05
Dam ;) Just Oil ;) You guy's have all the fun :D