View Full Version : I'M SO CONFUSED!!!

09-29-2005, 09:55
Well actually, I figgered it out. Did you know that Moondoggie and Uncle Wally are the same person? Well, actually only by name and middle initials are different. The other coincidence is that they are both 6.5 owners, KD customers, AND both from central MN. Uncle Wally has moved on to a Dmax so I should be able to keep them straight a bit easier now. After chatting with RJ, we both concurred that Moondoggie was the one that came to our Open House last year.

Alright, I'm making something out of nothing, but it was kind of interesting/confusing for a brief moment...

09-29-2005, 10:12
That ok. I got a John Kennedy here at work. And he owns a Harley. But if you ask him Diesel Performance questions, he just stares blankly.

Absolutly no help at all!

:D Tim

Turbo Al
09-29-2005, 10:12

09-29-2005, 11:52
I noticed that awhile back on the forums and wondered if I was going nuts... Or if everyone in MN had the same name...

09-29-2005, 13:03
Good Day!

Yaaaa, shoor, you betcha, we

patrick m.
09-29-2005, 15:50
i'll bet JK is familliar with me too, as my old truck keeps me in close contact with him....let's see. exhaust....check, intercooler....check, injectors....check, perf chip....check, boost fooler....check, cooling upgrade....check, air box mods....check (since made an open air system.

OH! and many questions answered and opinions given.

09-29-2005, 19:40
It became quite clear when I pointed out that the Brian Johnson that I knew would not be buying a Duramax any time soon... Kennedy said, "Yeah, Moondoggie's pretty thrifty, isn't he."

Hmmm... and then some! :D

While talking, I did a quick search and found a post where Uncle Wally identified himself as "Brian Johnson". It was the first time I ever knew his real name.

Now the question is this: Where did "Moondoggie" come from and where did "Uncle Wally" come from. There must be some story behind those handles... :D :cool:

09-30-2005, 03:04
Good Day!

...Pretty thrifty..." Mr. Kennedy's even a nicer guy than I thought. Hmmm - rebuilt my vacuum pump with a piece of inner tube for the diaphram (only lasted 80K miles); fixed my Wastegate Actuator (rod broken at diaphram, drilled & tapped for 4-40 screw & reassembled; still working fine). I'm not sure "thrifty" really says it. If you look in your dictionary under "unrepentently cheap" I think you'll see my smiling face. ;)


09-30-2005, 03:36
I dont suppose that either of you guys are the lead singer for AC/DC, are you?

If so, can you spot a brother a backstage pass next time you are in town?


09-30-2005, 04:10
Originally posted by Patrick m.:
i'll bet JK is familliar with me too, as my old truck keeps me in close contact with him....let's see. exhaust....check, intercooler....check, injectors....check, perf chip....check, boost fooler....check, cooling upgrade....check, air box mods....check (since made an open air system.

OH! and many questions answered and opinions given. Of course the m is your middle initial and A is the last...

I do have trouble matching names with some forum handles some times though...