View Full Version : Smoking issues

11-26-2012, 19:26
So here is the deal. The pick has been smoking a light grey smoke. I run with some wallies 2 stroke oil in with my fuel. I only put about a half quart with a full tank. Now here is the deal. I was out of cash and got a full tank of red fuel for free. I do have to say the pick up had never ran that good before. And it never had a single bit of smoke when it was in the tank. Heck even got the best milage I had ever seen with that stuff. Anywho, I am now back on pump fuel and it is smoking again. Anybody have any light that could be shed on this?

And yes I know the risks of running red fuel, but when pump fuel was $4.80 a gallon free is a very good price.

Diesel 4 blood
12-20-2012, 23:26
I don't no about where you live but here in NE Washington died fuel is also ultra low sulfur so you shouldn't notice much of a difference if any and I think you could run the oil a little thicker I put 11/2 gallons to 1 tank in my 01 dodge 24 valve

12-21-2012, 03:26
when I lived in North Dakota, and had my gmc red fuel was older low sulfer diesel, not the ultra low and it did have more power per gallon, but that was several years ago.

Im not sure but I believe light grey indicates not enough boost.

12-23-2012, 14:47
I think I got it figured out. What I call attack of the killer heads. I got some new heads a while ago and put those in when doing head gaskets. I should have used my heads that came off with the typical cracks between the valves. I fell into the "oh if they have cracks then you need new" crap. The new heads had 1k on them from another build that went another way. Those heads has a seep from a pourosity issue and is seeping again into the crank case. DANG IT!!! I have a new set of used very great heads coming that are free to me.

The red fuel here is not ULSD fuel. My pick up ran the best it ever has on that stuff. Wish there was a way to buy that good fuel again.

01-09-2013, 08:03
The red fuel has more BTU's per gallon than diesel fuel from the pump so you will get more power and better mileage. The real question should be is it legal? The best lubricant for a diesel pump in a 6.5L or 6.2L like ours is Stanadine Performance Formula, made by the company that makes the injector pump.They make the claim that this additive will even increase your fuel mileage.It's the only additive i have ever used in mine for over 244,000 miles. I have found that using this pays for itself in increased fuel mileage. It must lubricate the pump, because I still use the pump it came from the factory with 19 years ago!

Diesel 4 blood
01-12-2013, 22:39
I do know from personal experience that the die in off road is the same as what they put in atf DOT informed me on that as I was adding it to my tank don't usually use atf but I was broke and couldn't get 2 cycle oil but there are ways to get the die out of the diesel it just takes a little $ and a dam good machinist :rolleyes: