View Full Version : Thermostat Temp ?

11-12-2012, 14:02
My temp gage reads a bit over the 160* once warmed up
Seems to run fine all year round but during the winter months here in South NJ I don’t get much more than warm air from the heater.
I suspect the previous owner installed the 160* thermostats.
Is this temp stat ok for the summer?
Is a 195 or 180 good for the winter months?
Or what should I use all year round?
I did a forum search and that members 6.5 was running hot so he installed 2 each 180*s.
I also recall reading some where that by the time a 195* opens enough for cooling, the 6.5 is all ready too hot, so the 180* was recommend for this reason.
Am I correct?


11-12-2012, 14:15
On my 96 6.5 suburban I changed to the 190 something degrees stats and found the heater a fair bit cosier when the Alberta winter bites. Also found that fuel consumption improved summer and winter by one mile per gallon taken fuel consumption down to 25 miles per imperial gallon.

If you intend pulling heavy trailers for much of the time I would stick with a lower setting stat or stats.

Good luck

Evansburg, Alberta

11-12-2012, 20:02
195F stats are what you want,even towing.
AC Delco only for T-stats.

Yearly maintenance should include removing the rad and a thorough cleaning of it and the rest of the cooling stack.

11-13-2012, 06:49
I use 195's year round (towing about 10,000lbs). Even before I had the 18:1, I used the 195's and never had a problem with the engine getting too hot. Make sure you have a good fan clutch and keep your radiator (and other coolers) fins clean and you'll have no problems.

11-14-2012, 07:16
The 195 is my preference as well.

FYI we did finally get some of the RS 330-195 stats in the other day, and also stock the proper OE stat sets for the dual configuration.

11-14-2012, 08:26

I will offer a desenting vote here. I prefer thec180F stat.

The reason being, the stat "starts" to open at the stated temp, but once fully open can run a tad higher.

The 6.5's can run a bit too warm anyway, so getting the stat on its way open a bit earlier has always been a good plan.

The engine is still going to run in the 190 ish range anyway.

In deep cold, the temp may stay at 180F but overall the lower temps are a little less stressful on the engine IMHO

As far as the heater goes, you won't notice a difference.


11-14-2012, 08:29
TDSeck, guess where I got the good advice to use (and where I bought them from) the 195's? ;) (see post #5)

Note: That's not say that Missy's advice is bad... Heck, both her and Kennedy have forgotten more than I know!

11-14-2012, 14:32
The closer the engine can maintain 200F the more efficient it will run,either stat choice is acceptable but if it won't cool at 195-it wont cool at 180.

Other issues need addressed at that point and a top notch fan clutch along with a spotless functional cooling stack is first and foremost IMHO.A rotten rad won't cool very well also.

11-14-2012, 16:42
Bottom line, the factory radiator in these trucks are right close to bare minimum needed to do the job.

A rad with 75-100k on it is going to be silted in and not able to keep up with the heat load.

A new visteon all aluminum brazed core radiator will work fine.
Many of the replacement units are epoxied core and fail quickly.

I still like to get the stat opening at 180F and on its way.

I agree on the good clutch.

GM went to making clutches that engage way to high. They did this back in the mid 80's on account of customer complaints of the fan roaring while the rig is pulling.

DUH, its keeping the engine cool !!!!!!

So we got stuck with these units that don't engage until the engine is smoking hot.

John has a great clutch available.