View Full Version : Remanufactured cylinder heads

11-07-2012, 11:24
A short time ago I ordered remanufactured cylinder heads from Benny Avant of Diesel Depot/Avant Salvage Co., for my 83 6.2 N.A . Benny stated the work done will be the following; heads pressure tested,bronze liner in coolant passage between intake and exhaust valves,intake and exhaust seats,new guides,heads surfaced ground not cut for smoothness with precups removed,precups set .001 to.0015 above head ground surface,valve recession properly set. I went with remanufactured heads based on repair and enhancement articles by Jim Bigley and members whom have shared the work they have done on thier heads. I like the idea of the older high nickel iron and heads having seen many hot/cold cycles.I don't care for chinese heads. The problems of core shift, porosity and contaminated iron with other trace metals during the recycling process weakens the quality,not to mention ferris/magnetic precups.The remanufactured heads will have the small/fuel economy port precups originally used, non magnetic, I think its a nickle/stainless alloy, maybe called Inconel?,.When delivered, I will post photos of the work done. I hope this will be of help to fellow members. PS. Please excuse any typos,two fingers do all the typing, OIL BURN

11-08-2012, 18:30
Sounds good. I'm with you on the chinese heads, but there will likely be a time when that's what we have to mess with due to core availability. Most of the cores are cracked.

Precups should be stainless. I'm really really curious how the aftermarket heads with the ferrus precups are holding up...

11-09-2012, 07:44
$1000 will get a brand spanky new set of AMG heads to your door.

The stuff from CCH in Florida seem to be doing fine.

Frito Lay was buying the CCH heads by the pallet full to use on the chip trucks.
They swore by them as being far better than rebuilding the used stuff.

I used a set on our 94 Burb and its still running fine ( sold it in 09) and the fellow still runs it daily, had 50 k miles on the build when I sold it.

The AMG heads are probably better, but a grand is pretty steep.

I have a set of AMG heads on the Dahooley engine. Hope that this summer I can get it back in the truck.

These heads were mounted on a P400 but the shop was installing the engine in a HUMMER. ( 60 degree bolt angle) The wrong engine was shipped and AMG sent new heads/bolts/gaskets to make up for the screwup.
I bought the heads from the shop for $600

I am not sure how many actual builders out there are making new heads.

Would be interesting to know where these come from, other than somewhere in China. Would be interesting to know the downline from raw casting to delivery.


More Power
11-26-2012, 12:43
I have since spoken to Oil Burn on the phone regarding his reman heads. Seems "fulfillment" is a problem with the vendor, as it has been for other 6.2/6.5 owners over the past few years. OB called because it was suggested he talk to me before discussing the problem here in the forum.

Policy is this... you can post anything you want. I only suggest that you be fair. But, if the vendor IS an advertiser here at TDP, contacting me first will allow me to perhaps help you resolve the problem. On the other hand, if the vendor isn't an advertiser here, I have no say or influence. The Diesel Depot isn't an advertiser.

For future purchases, I suggest dealing with our advertisers.... They are here because they have a track record of satisfying their customers. It's a requirement.


11-28-2012, 06:02
Update,checked ups and cylinder heads are on their way, should arrive Monday.Talked to Benny and he appoligized for the delay. I wanted early 299 heads to keep motor original, supply was pretty much exhausted. Benny said he found a set of 162's matched thickness and stock that he felt would be a better choice, since some of the 299's he had , have had excessive surfacing done to them, a problem with valve recession and of course all the valve seat cutting,stem tip cutting down , push rod length, which effects valve train geometry,a often overlooked area that leads to accelerated guide wear and valve tip damage.
Thanks to Jim for his input, I was seeking some suggestions and I kept calling Benny and we resolved the delivery issue. I will post pictures.


01-26-2013, 05:52
Sorry for the delay with the photos,I've had some medical issues that set me back as well as 18 degrees F in the garage and plan to post photos with the next couple of weeks. Again I apologize for the delay.



02-24-2013, 08:29
Sorry,trying to figure out how to post pictures with comments,will keep trying.



02-24-2013, 12:40
Sorry,trying to figure out how to post pictures with comments,will keep trying.



We have a tutorial in the Photo Forum (http://www.thedieselpageforums.com/tdpforum/forumdisplay.php?f=59). If that isn't helpful, please PM or email me for help. Attaching images should be simple. If you haven't already found it, we also have a Photo Album (http://www.thedieselpageforums.com/photopost/index.php) available to all registered TDP users. You don't have to set up anything, your account is already there. You can upload images to it, and link them into posts. This is especially handy for larger pictures, as the size limits are much less restrictive in the album.

03-02-2013, 10:51
I'am having a problem with the hard drive, hope it's not shot,so i will describe the heads.No photos for now,will keep trying.

They are 162's,now I got lucky. The heads are 100% crack free,yes 100% crack free. This was verified by after cleaning,blasting,magnafluxing and pressure testing,and no hairline cracks between valves on end cylinders via visual inspection.They are also strock thickness minus .005 for stone ground finish,like a mirror. When Benny told me about the excellant condition of these heads,especially crack free, I asked him not to do the seats, my reason no hairlines so why remove metal,and guides being rusty from sitting,just do guide liners,again less metal removed , all the better. Some don't like liners,but I think they will last,reason-low rpm,correct valve geometry,ultra low sulphur diesel fuel,frequent oil changes and a bottle of lucas oil stabilzer.Benny also installed liners between valves where the coolant flows.

These heads were truely bolt- ons,there wasn't a smudge on them, they look brand new.Heads were wrapped in plastic and shipped in a wooden box made to fit the the head tightly on all sides,top and bottom. The wood was 3/4 hardi board sturdi floor used for sub floors on floor joists,and was screwed together in all around.When ups delivered them,all joints were tight and no movement of the head inside.

Now here's the reason for the wood boxes.Two shipments of heads had been sent out,4 total,both shipments had the heads milled gasket surface gouged badly and some water damage on the second shipment.Heavy cardboard wasn't holding up.So wooden boxes did the job.

Now I must say I was getting frustrated,I paid for the first shipment to me,But Benny paid for the first shipment back ,second shipment to me ,second shipment back to him,and third shipment to me, which is the heads I have now.So I can assume he did't make much money on these heads,since it"s 80 dollars for 2 heads one way.Benny backed up his product.I'll still try to post photos,when I figure what gives with my computer. I borrowed a relatives for this posting.

My last chat with Benny he indicated he was closing the Avant salvage yard,saving all the diesel stuff at the Diesel Depot,and going to restructure the Diesel Depot and run it himself,with phones being answered by him.I'll try to find out more info. on this.

04-02-2013, 06:07
update,trying to contact Benny Avant/diesel depot I'll call again today to see whats up.


04-03-2013, 07:34
Talked to Benny this morning,He said that he's going through his inventory, 2 wharehouses full of 6.2/6.5 blocks,cranks,heads and a lot of military engines bought years ago. Benny said the intention is to have heads,parts,etc., on the shelf ready to install and shipped when ordered to avoid delays.He said he needs time to get this accomplished so as to avoid the problems the diesel depot has had in the past. I will post more info. when available.I hope this all works out as I'am getting the itch for another 660 build now that parts will eventually become available.

Good Day


04-26-2013, 03:53
Called Benny to check on progress with the reman heads,he said that he has about ten years of stock piled inventory that needs to be gone through to seperate the good heads from the non rebuilable.He stated it's going to take some time and this has to be done and it's part of the restructuring process. I will keep in contact and will post any new info.


05-25-2013, 03:29
Talked to Benny yesterday,friday the 24th.,he said he's still seperating out the inventory,so it's going to take a while,will keep posting new information as recieved.


06-25-2013, 18:16
Gosh, it sounds like maybe a long term 6.2 owner should invest in some new heads now rather than later, eh? No doubt old War Horse will eventually need them on some future date and damned if I'm stuck buying Chinese junk!:mad: