View Full Version : Is Bio-Diesel safe for DS4 pumps?

09-26-2005, 18:16
I've seen numerous threads about this but no one has come out and said that they are burning bio-diesel in their DS4 equipped truck. Can this be done or are the DS4's not a candidate for the program?

09-27-2005, 04:47
I don't think I'd worry too much about it in lower concentrations. I'd step lightly into it and stick with 10% or less. Fuel system mfr's like Stanaddyne dislike bio at this point primarily due to the water absorption tendency...

09-27-2005, 16:56
I have started collecting WVO to make bio and was hoping to start using it in my truck which has a DS4. I wonder if the water absorption problem is any worse than alcohol gas. Does anyone have any ideas? You either have to keep the alcohol gas either sealed tightly or use it fast especially in rainy whether. I have had engines not even run because the gas had absorbed so much water from the air (tractors and four wheelers).