View Full Version : oil on glowplug

09-30-2012, 10:11
hello,have a engine on the stand and i have 1heavily oiled glow plug,am a bit concerned and dont know what to make of it,just about ready to install but wondering if I should pull the heads now,any input would be appreciated,thanks

09-30-2012, 12:25
Well, they're not supposed to be oil covered...

So if the engine is out of the vehicle and on a stand, I'd open it up further to see what the problem is before buttoning things back up.

09-30-2012, 15:24
A little more info would be helpfull. How did the engine get on the stand? Could it be assembly oil on the glow plug?

09-30-2012, 21:06
Could be that that particular glow plug does not work thus it would not clean itself because it does not get hot like the others.

10-01-2012, 08:56
Thanks for the ideas,my engine failed awhile back,I realize my harmonic balancer went and I didnt notice,it broke my crankshaft,so I found another locally,the story with it is it had a full rebuild and very few miles but has sat for awhile,I am resealing the valve covers and replaceing glow plugs and injectors,last night I was turning it over with the gp and injectors removed and when that piston hit tdc the prechamber filled up and squirted a decent puddle on the floor,it was easier to identify in a puddle,it is stale diesel,so my injector must have been leaking..I appreciate the responses as I have been worried about it..thanks guys