View Full Version : Block numbers?

Govt issue
05-02-2005, 05:54
I have a jasper reman engine in a c 3500hd that i am working on at my job. It has a block number of 929 in the valley. What does this mean? good or bad block.

05-02-2005, 05:55
last of the non oil spray i believe, mid 94-up to 96 when the first 506 came out.

05-02-2005, 15:52
I have the same block from the Diesel Depot and according to them it was the replacement for the 599 block, the last 6.2/6.5 block made as you say. In all likleyhood a Mr Goodwrench replacement engine.

05-02-2005, 16:40
929, is late 95 production 6.5, and no oil spray piston coolers. Thats the block I'm taking out of my burb, not cracked, just problems elsewhere. I couldn't find another 929, but settled for a seasoned late version 599 that I found locally. The 929 isn't the last non-spray block though, the '141 96 production block is...